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Okay so since it's been a while, and I didn't really set a ending date for the Oc contest, I only had 2 people submit oc's. I have decided to choose both. One that leaves team Joker and joins the suicide squad, and the other that stays in team Joker for a while and stuff. SO of course the winners are the only two people that entered dcorwin6673 and PrincessLiLi444.

dcorwin6673 submitted Dark Moon aka Flame Gonzalez and PrincessLiLi444 submitted Midnight Moonlight aka Amelia Brooks. I've decided to end this book with Joker, Midnight, and Dark kidnapping the kids leaving one of the twins behind. If you have any suggestions about which twin I should leave with Suicide Squad and if I should give the kids some extra powers please give them to me. The second book will come out, who knows when but I promise you wont wait long. You can still submit Oc's to join Team Joker and they do not have to be friends with Lucy. Make an Oc and submit it. You know the drill...




Real Name:


Current Living:

Relation to Suicide Squad or a Member [(If Any) Optional]






Other Info Needed:

For the Tattoos Scars and piercings you can tag me, you can describe them, you can draw a picture and once again tag me. This is just for my second book and I will choose like, a lot of Oc's to join Team Joker. There like 10-13 members of suicide squad including my oc's and one of the new oc's so I'm gonna need around the same amount to Team Joker. Don't forget to follow, vote, and always comment I love you all and have an amazing night. I'm gonna get started on the last chapter and hopefully we can get the next book out soon. Love you my demon and dealers <3 Buh Bye!

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