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Lilly was downright pissed. It had been almost two months since her little fuck fest with Percy, Annabeth and Thalia and she hadn't gotten laid since. She had dressed sluttier, she'd flirted more, she'd even grinded against one of the boy campers at a party and nothing happened, what does a girl have to do to get laid she thought.

"Gods I want to get fucked so bad right now!" She muttered.

"Well, well in that case you have come to the exact right person my dear."

Lilly whirled to see a man standing in the shadows so she couldn't see his face which immediately put her on guard, after being a demigod for a while you realize anyone whose face is covered in the shadows is either trying to act creepy or he's an evil monster hiding its ugly face so he can kill you.

"Who are you?" She asked him, "I've got a sword you know."

She did, it was at her cabin of course but she still owned one!

"Relax, it's me." The man stepped out of the shadows and Lilly gave a breath of relief after seeing his smiling face. It was just Leo.

Lilly had befriended Leo a while back after he'd helped fix her stereo and she was in a mess then since she'd recently broken up with her long time boyfriend and desperately needed her dear Adele.

"Gods Leo, don't scare me like that. I almost killed you." She scolded him.

Leo laughed, "You? Nah, even I can take you."

Lilly narrowed her eyes and her mouth slid into a grin, "Is that a challenge?"

Leo shrugged, "Maybe."

Lilly lunged forward and knocked Leo onto his back and just as she thought she'd already won he used the momentum to throw her off of him and rolled back onto his feet while Lilly sprawled onto the ground covering her nice white shirt in grass stains.

"Looks like someone needs a bath." Leo gestured towards her clothes.

Lilly frowned as she saw Leo walk towards her his hand reaching for his tool belt, "No! Valdez I swear to Zeus if you try and throw me in the lake you are a dead man."

Leo grinned and reached into his belt and out came a net, an old fashioned fishing net which gladiators used for fighting. Lilly couldn't remember the name of that style of fighting, a net and trident but she knew they were annoying to fight and that she was probably going to lose this fight.

Lilly backed up just a little too late. Leo launched the net and Lilly tripped over a root from a tree and tumbled backwards and the net fell neatly over top of her ensnaring her.

She struggled in the net trying to get free but without avail and she watched hopelessly as Leo stepped over of her and proceeded to pick her up and carry her towards the lake.

"Leo! Leo put me down! Leo!" Lilly screamed all the way to the pier and she also screamed as the net was taken off of her and as she was thrown off and into the waters where she cursed Leo. She swam to the surface to see Leo keeled over holding his stomach as he laughed the piss out of himself.

"Oh gods, you're face, you're face! Oh gods, I have got to do that again sometime." He laughed.

Lilly shivered as she felt the cold sting of the night air and wished she had a warm jacket, Leo noticed and stopped laughing. He took off his army jacket and proceeded to place it over Lilly's shoulders. As he was going to zip it up he stopped and backed away blushing.

Lilly tilted her head in confusion and looked down at her shirt and blushed a deep crimson. Remember how she was wearing a white shirt? Well yeah, it was cold and her nipples were rock hard and Leo could see them clearly through the wet shirt.

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