Truth or Dare

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Lilly sat in the middle of the floor in the Poseidon cabin; all the other occupants were out taking classes. With her were Piper, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Reyna, Jason, Rachel, Leo, Hazel, Travis, Connor, Katie and finally Drew. All of them were sitting in a large circle laughing as they sat down in their own groups, Drew with the Stolls and Katie, Percy with Annabeth and Nico, Jason with Piper, Lilly with Leo, Hazel, and Reyna came in with Rachel.

Lilly smiled, "Okay everyone thanks for coming. I'm really excited!"

"We can tell!"

Everyone laughed at that, then again Travis Stoll was known for making people laugh.

Lilly shrugged, "Anyways here's the plan. Truth or dare."

Percy groaned, "That ALWAYS ends badly for me."

Annabeth looked at him, "What!? Last time we played we…never mind."

"I think we all know what that means." Nico said.

Everyone laughed and Annabeth blushed, "Shut up! Anyways, Percy that wasn't bad. Was it?"

She gave him this look that said if he said otherwise there would be more pain for him than he could imagine.

"It was awesome! Amazing!" He spluttered out.

Annabeth smiled to herself and everyone else tried to hide their smiles.

"Anyways, let's get this on the move huh? We'll use the bottle version." Lilly said.

She grabbed her empty glass bottle of Coca-Cola that she'd stolen early from Chiron; she was the daughter of Hermes. "I'll spin to see who goes first," she said.

Once it had started spinning people held their breaths and Percy put his face in his hands whining about how he hated this game. Finally the bottle came to a rest pointing directly at Rachel who was sitting next to Leo, the two had started going out after Rachel's little get together at her cave.

She smiled and spun the bottle herself to see whom the lucky guy or girl was that she could mess with. It started to slow down and at one point it looked like it was about to stop at Percy who in a panic started to blow at it aggressively trying to make it go away, which must have helped because it stopped at the person next to him, Nico.

"Nico, truth or dare?" Rachel asked in a sweet voice that could only mean pure evil was about to occur.

Unfortunately Nico was brash and foolish and didn't understand that you never let Rachel ask a dare.

"Dare." He said.

Percy looked at him like he was at the poor guy's funeral, which made Nico a little worried.

Fortunately for Nico Rachel decided to start off easy, "Take off all your clothes and wear a cup over your cock for the rest of the game."

Nico couldn't close his mouth he was too surprised, the first round of the game and he was already naked! He stood and stripped himself off his black aviator jacket, then his black shirt, then his black pants, then his black socks, and finally his black boxers. He grabbed a red solo cup form the drawer in which Nico knew Percy kept all alcoholic related items and covered his cock.

"Hey uh Nico? Have you ever thought of any color other than black, like maybe dark gray?" Annabeth asked.

Nico shook his head, "Nah. That's too bright."

Everyone shook their heads as Nico spun the bottle. It spun around several times and each time it came near Percy he nearly cried and Annabeth smacked him to try and get him to stop. Finally it came to a stop at Jason.

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