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England. It was a noisy place yet it seemed…friendly.

That was what was going through Annabeth's head as she and her friends left the airport in search of the giants who had stolen Aphrodite's scarf.

Percy was with her and she felt awkward with him, she felt horrible after hearing she'd cheated on him three times in one night and didn't even give a damn. Percy had told he forgave her since she was fucked up with drugs.

Afterwards she'd talked to Leo to see how he felt and he said he felt horrible and wished he'd never gone inside the brothel. Annabeth tried to cheer him up saying at least he got some pussy. He smiled weakly at that but he still felt guilty.

Now as they were all, Kayla and Tori with them were walking not bothering to finding a hotel this time wanting instead to find the giants as soon as possible. They had a lead, Big Ben. Annabeth knew where it was so they decided they'd head there first.

So they made their way, Kayla and Reyna were walking with Leo both flirting heavily but he was too depressed to notice. Tori walked with Nico who kept leaning into him giving the obvious thought patterns that's he wanted his cock in her pussy. Annabeth held hands with Percy while Piper walked with them not noticing any of the others.

"Hey Annabeth you don't feel guilt do you?" Percy asked her suddenly.

Annabeth shook her head, "Pfft. Nah. Why would I?"

Percy frowned, "I don't know it's just ever since you fucked Kayla, Leo and that other chick you've seemed…off."

Annabeth almost cried, "Three?"

Percy glared at her, "I knew it you do feel guilty! I told you it's no problem. Hey Leo!"

Leo looked up, "Yeah?"

Percy punched him in the face and Leo fell yelling Annabeth screamed at Percy but he ignored her and glared at Leo.

"If you feel guilty anymore I'm going to kick your ass!" Percy shouted.

Leo held his face and nodded, "Yeah! S-sure."

Percy turned to Annabeth, "You too! Stop feeling guilty!"

Annabeth nodded her head, she felt a little warm feeling in her that Percy was this mad just because she felt guilty. He was a great boyfriend.

Percy turned to everyone else, "Now let's go get this fucking scarf. I'm tired of this quest."

Once they finally got to Big Ben Annabeth couldn't help but admire the way it was built, it was gorgeous. It must have taken forever to make it then add the eccentric detail to the stone. Percy suggested half stay down here while half go up to check for the giants. Everyone agreed and Lilly, Will, Percy, Nico and Piper went up while Annabeth, Kayla, Reyna, Tori and Leo stayed down.

Literally after about two minutes after the others had disappeared Kayla and Reyna started to flirt heavily with Leo.

"Hey Leo does this dress make my tits look big?" Reyna asked.

"Leo, I think I spilled some water on my breasts, can you lick it up?" Kayla asked.

"Oops. Leo there's something under my skirt, can you check?"

"Oh my gods! Can you ladies please stop flirting! We have a job to do you know," Annabeth said flustered.

Tori smiled at Annabeth in understanding and then it was quiet as they waited for Percy and the others to get back. They waited for almost twenty minutes and Kayla and Reyna started to get with Leo again simply because of boredom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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