Chapter 26 } The End Of The Bad Boy Bet On Me

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"What are you doing?" I cried as the person forcefully pushed me into who knows where,

        This really has to stop happening.

He pushed me into a cold surface, the blindfold tight on my eyes and began chatting with another human beings.

      So, lemme get this straight.

I, Amelia Saunders, had my friends divide an excellent plan in which where all of our problems would have disappeared. But however, because of the mass unlucky that I possess, the plan always manages to backfire and I still end up in the grasp of the Bad person who most likely wants to kill me?

      Yep with my luck that sounds very likely.

"Can't we at least come to some sort of negotiation?" I asked, facing a random direction,

"Shut up."

"Yeah, but if you hear me out we may just come to an agreement where you can release me and we can be on our wa-"

"Shut up."

"I'll scream."

"Shut up." Before I could protest anymore, I felt a jolt as we crashed into something, I managed to curl into my regular foetus position and prayed that I wasn't dead.

"Amelia?" I heard that all to familiar and comforting voice once more, I let out a breath of relief and waited for the blindfold to come off.

"Take the friggin blindfold off," I ordered,

"You know I think I prefer you like this," I could practically hear his smirk.


"Shut up," I mentally rolled my eyes, hoping I wasn't already looking like a tomato. He untied the blindfold and all was good, everyone ran into the van as we drove away although they jet looking back.

I pushed Chase slightly and looked outside the window, peaking slightly as I saw the police stop by the two that had - I guess - captured me. I sat back down, confused slightly. "I've come to the conclusion that that was the shortest kidnap ever." Everyone agreed as we happily drove away,

Happily ever after.

The end.

*Francois Dubois*
Come on Amelia, you can't leave us like that!!

Oh yeah sorry, your so right.

4 months later


"Oh yes bitch,"


"I'm gonna piss myself if you don't go any faster,"

"Crap my nail!!!" Jonah screeched, I rolled my eyes as Rob Porter shouted go and the whole school started screaming once again.

"I'm gonna beat you bitch," I smiled as Sasha as she smiled back and we both sprinted.

I have actually changed.

Our PE teacher made me race in this Cross Country and let out her dog secretly in the forest which ended up in me coming 10th.

LIKE 10th out of 100, come on guys. Be proud.

But the race right now was an actual legit race, Sasha of course was beating me but I was winning in my mind.

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