Chapter 4: Late Night Booty Call?

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Alexis got a ride from her boyfriend and Mindy walked home with her boyfriend so lucky me I got to drive home and be a lonely potato. My mother was already gone and left a note on the table

"I made lasagna for once I hope you enjoy it Sessa. I'm sorry for yesterday.
P.S. your father called. Love you ❤"

I smiled. See, its not all so bad. Okay except maybe her cooking but she tries she really does. Sessa is a nickname that I've always had. It was my first actual said word as a baby. My mom was always yelling at my cousin Vanessa and I couldn't pronounce her name right and it always came out as 'Sessa.' Vanessa was very important to me. Hence the nickname after her death. I put away dishes and did my school work. I take off everything but my bra and panties. I'm home alone. Come on it's not like you haven't?...Right?
Around 10 I was snuggled on the couch with my phone alarm set and my favorite Netflix series on. (Anyone seen 'Girlboss'?) I had just shut my eyes when the door bell rang. Mom back early? I throw the blankets off my half naked body and wrap myself in my panda blakey. I love pandas. I quickly get to the door. "Why are you ho-" Oh hell no. "Hello Allison I know it's late but this was the only time I could stop by." Lie again. "Is this some late night booty call?" I raised an eyebrow. He laughed awkwardly. "Now don't be inappropriate Ms. Perez." Says the one on my doorstep at 10 pm. I sigh and open the door for him. "Come in." He nodded and stepped into the tin can trailer I call home. "You're a teacher. You couldn't have called first?" That stumped him. "I apologize, like I said, this was the only time I could stop by. Where are your parents?" He changes the topic. I roll my eyes and shut the door. "My moms at work and my dads in Montana or somewhere like that." He nodded. "I apologize." Shut up old man. He's actually like 26 but you know. "Don't. I'll be right back, I'm a mess." He shook his head and started to look around.
I shut the door to my room and look for something sexy but casual. I don't know what came over me but I want him to be attracted to me. I want his attention. Even though I think I already have it.
I roll my eyes and go for something more cute. Putting on a long sleeved maroon colored night shit and some light matching night shorts and head back.
I saw him reading my moms note. To save him the embarrassment of getting caught I shut the bathroom door rather hard and come in with my head slightly down. "Changed I see?" I smile. "I wasn't wearing anything when you came in so." I think he blushed! "Oh." Oh my God! That's a blush! "Yeah so what brings you here?" I ask, shifting my weight on one leg and crossing my arms. "I'm here to help you with math." Oh for fucks sake! "Good Lord! Can't you drop it already? I don't need help!" He gives me a dominating look. Like I was in trouble. "Okay dude we're not in school. We're in my house! I can say whatever the hell I want." He starts walking toward the place I was standing in the living room. I didn't back down. Although the closer he came, the smaller I felt. "You need to watch your mouth...Sessa." He mocked. Right then and there, I couldn't help myself. I slapped him across his right cheek. He glared and growled at me before taking me by the wrist and shoving me against the wall. "L-let go!" I struggle against him but he's too strong for me. "Allison!" He growled and then his face was close to mine. He was going to kiss me! But he stopped...dammit don't stop! My breath became quicker and shorter. "M-Mr. Freedman...what are you doing?" I whimpered. He looked at me with forgiving green eyes with a sparkle in them. "I'm sorry." He let go and back away. As soon as he let go I realized how tight of a hold he had on me. "A-ah..ow..." I looked at my wrists. Red and maybe turning purple. "Fuck." He cursed under his breath. "Wait here." He turned and went into the kitchen. I didn't know whether or not to kick him out or ask for more. It's always been a turn on to be scared like that. Like I was in trouble.
He came back with some ice in a sandwich bag. Hey, he understands us poor people doesn't he? "Here." He took my hands, putting them next to each other and placed the bag on my wrists. "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to be so rough." I let out a deep breath and tried to break the awkward tension. "I like it rough." I glanced up at him and he looked down and me with hungry eyes. "I-I didn't- what I meant was- I-I- uhm yeah." I stuttered and he smirked. "I know." He pulled away. No don't go daddy. I sigh and sit back. "My bags right by your feet. Math is in the blue binder." I tell him. He simply laughed and grabbed it. "Thank you Ali." He looked at me with a face reading 'I got my way haha!' I rolled my eyes and he set it out. "Now, lets start with this mornings lesson." I rolled my eyes again. "Stop that." I giggle. "When do you plan on going home?" I ask. "As soon as you understand this work so you're ready for tomorrow's quiz and Friday's test." I groan and lean back. "Two tests in one week. What's wrong with you?" I pouted. "You." I blushed at his response. "Oh..."


More action coming soon ;) don't worry it's the fourth chapter. :)

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