Chapter 5: Mixed Signals

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Freedman was here until one in the morning. I basically had it down but he wanted to keep pushing me until I was nearly unconscious from sleep deprivation. He took notice when my eyes were barely closed and I was leaning to the side. "Alright I'll stop. You do have school in the morning." I didn't want him to leave. And I didn't think he did either. I watched him put everything away through tired eyes. I only moaned sleepy responses as he covered me with my blanket from before. He smiled down at me. "Goodnight, Allison." He spoke quietly. I snuggled deeper into the couch and blankets. "Nini." I moaned and I believe I was asleep before he even left.

Thursday morning and I wake too tired to even move. And my wrists are sore...and bruised!? Oh wait...yeah that's right. Mr. Sexy came over and violated me. Well not really he just kinda got mad and dominated me for about ten seconds. Best ten seconds of my life, daddy come back. I sigh and get up. I really can't wait to see him now, I was terrified yesterday but now I just want to see him smirking and looking at me like I'm food or something.
I debate on what to wear. It has to be attractive and calling. But only calling to him....okay so scratch that. He'll see that I dressed up just for him. High waisted shorts and crop top it is. Okay yeah school dress code. I'll just unbutton the plaid over shirt when I get to third. So! High waisted white shorts with a matching crop top and a red plaid shirt. With black flats to go with the plaid shirt.
With that covered I grab my things and head out. Moms asleep and my breakfast consists of a granola bar. I immediately head to school, maybe he's there and I can get some "extra review." I smile to myself as I pull into the parking lot. I lose that smile as soon as I see that Brooke is parked in my spot sitting on the hood of her car with her two buddies on each side of her. I roll my eyes and just park beside her. "Greeeeat." I cut the engine off and take my stuff and get out. I see that Brooke has a bruised left cheek. Oops, my bad. Hehe.
"My mom said she would have sued you if I hadn't turn 16 a few days ago." She calls out. Yeah apparently she skipped a grade or two. Something like that. "Good for her. Too bad you're getting old too." I call back and head for the school. "Well, I'm not about to get suspended for your fishy smelling ass but my friends here will." Uhm excuse me? I've slept with one boy in my seventeen years if living and you? I hear she gets passed around often. "And too bad I have no interest in getting suspended for you fishy smelling 'friends' along you. I hear you three get passed around more than dodge balls." Okay leave me alone. I'm terrible at comebacks. But apparently that one pissed them,off because not only did her two groupies start to run for me, but so did Brooke. Not knowing what to do I just step out of their way and try to avoid them. "Stop running! Freedman isn't here to save you now is he?" My heart flutters at his name but then stops when they run at me again. I pick up a handful of rocks and throw it at them. Probably didn't help things but you know. I ran back to my car and locked myself in. The biggest one, Chrissy I think, reached my window first and laughed. "You can't hide in your car all day, so just come on out and we'll escort you back to the school." She pulled out a pocket knife. Oh my God. They're not playing. "Tell your queen I said 'suck my dick!'" I said after starting my car and pulling out.
You know? Extra review can wait. I'll just go for Starbucks or something. Not dealing with those ogres.
About twenty minutes later, around five minutes before school starts, I park in the school's second parking lot. I don't care if it takes me an hour to get out. I'm not dying today. Not by a knife at least. Maybe a sword? That'd be cool. And a little more classy. I sigh and get out, checking that the coast was clear, I head inside.
As soon as I walk in I see Mr. Freedman. I give him a smile and he sees. I know he sees but all he does is barely smile and keep walking. No 'hi' or anything like that. Did I do something? Or is it because we're at school? Guess we'll find out later. Sighing and pouting like a baby I head to first period. We're learning on how to perfect the RACE method.
Mindy is sick. Probably from kissing up on that boy of hers. So Alexis and I suffer alone through Science. I'm a little more nervous about going to math. Just last night he was at my house. Oh! Maybe he's just tired. Yeeeep! Let's go with that. By the time I get in, half the class is there. He isn't. Oh yeah, quiz. He might be printing them off. I squirm in my seat. What if he thinks he's making a mistake? I mean it's obvious that we were getting a little too close for a teacher and a student. I don't want to get him in trouble. I mean I'll be 18 soon and graduating next year. We could keep a low profile and have home dates and...oh my God. I need to stop. I'm over thinking and he's just doing his job as a teacher. Besides, I'm not even near the top of the list for hot girls here.
I realize that the class had gone silent and the bell had rung. I looked up to realize the he had been staring at me the whole time. Oh no! He saw me squirming and smiling like an idiot at my thoughts. He smirks. Oh thank God! I was worried.
He strolls in and starts handing out the half sheets. Every one complains but I'm ready. I get my sheet and start to only come to realize, this isn't what he taught me. The rat bastard! "Mr. Freedman we haven't gone over this in months." A boy spoke up. "You are suppose to study your work whatever it is, to keep up with it." Freedman informed him. Asshole! That's what you are sir! Keep me up till one in the morning for this. I'm going to scratch his seeing balls out so help me!
I sigh in frustration and get to work. At the most I made a fifty. I think. I mean I tried. I really did. I lay my head down in frustration. About ten minutes later, half the class is finished. I look up and see him shuffling through what I can assume is tomorrow's test. He looks up at me and I turn my stare into a glare. He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. I've come to learn he hates that. I'm sure if we were alone he would growl and storm over to me and bend me over his desk and...great now I'm blushing. I must look ridiculous.
In the midst of all that I realize I forgot about my shirt. Slowly and quietly while he's still smirking at me with his dominating eyes, letting me know I'm in trouble, I unbutton the top of my shirt. My own smirk coming to my lips. I continue to unbutton my shirt, revealing the white crop top. Slowly his smirk faded into a shocked expression. As my shirt was finally completely undone, he sits back and smiles in defeat. I smile and sit back down.
How no one noticed my little strip tease I have no clue. I'm as smooth as peanut butter. The unchunky kind of course. Another ten minutes pass and he picks up the papers. He heads to the front. "Allison, I will see you after class for dress code." I blush as every one stares at me but I decide to stir the pot a little and roll my eyes. "Fine." I blatantly cover myself with my shirt and button it back. Fine, no more strip teases for daddy. Jerk.
Sixty minutes of glaring and smirking in front of oblivious eyes later, the bell rings. Today is 3rd period break. So I'm stuck in here for fifteen minutes if I don't have a panic attack first.
He stands and shuts the door behind the last kid. "You're really testing me aren't you?" Uhm okay hold up. "Excuse me but you kept me up until one in the God damn morning and pull that shit! This was suppose to be a quiz on what you taught us yesterday not 4 months ago!" His expression was angry. Why is he angry? He started it! "Watch your mouth young lady." He threatened. "Oh sorry 'daddy'" Ha! I finally said it! I rolled my eyes again. He storms up to me and stops abruptly in front of me. Not touching me. "Don't Allison." He looked down at me, pointing a finger at me. "You didn't even say 'hi' to me this morning." I whimper trying to soften him up. "Because we don't need to get caught Ali." He tried explaining. "Caught doing wha-!?" I was cut off when he suddenly stepped forward and I backed up, he put his hand behind my head. Here we are again, but he stops. "Ali...just..drop the damn attitude. Roll your eyes at me again and I swear..." Is he too scared to finish his threat? I look at him with glistening, scared, brown eyes. "Yes sir." I whisper. He lets out a sigh. "Thank you." I look at the floor but I think he's he? I think so. Oh Lord help me.
"Come here." He unexpectedly pulls me into an embrace. Is this allowed? I love it. I don't care if it's allowed or not. I feel like I fit perfectly. Like I was meant to be held by him. I had a sudden urge to apologize for upsetting him. "I-I'm sorry" I blushed. I could literally hear him smile. "You're fine. You're okay. Just promise me one thing." Why do I feel the need to cry? "Y-yeah?" He holds me at arms length. "Never wear clothes like that again...unless you's around me or something." I look down at my feet, shocked. "O-okay." He then did the unthinkable in my mind and kissed my head. "Good girl." I am at a loss for words! What...why...I'm not complaining but what!?
We stood in and embrace for a while. I shut my eyes and enjoyed it for as long as I could. Now, I know what I was feeling before could have just been lust or a stupid crush that all high schoolers get on a teacher that's attractive. But Uhm...why does it feel like this now? Warm and making my legs feel like jelly. I swear I could barely hold myself up. He must have sensed that I was sort of sinking and held me tighter, smiling.
About two more minutes into the hug, you could here my stomach growl. It sounded like the cookie monster. "Ali. What did you have for breakfast?" He stares down at me. "Um...a granola bar." I smiled innocently. He sighed and led me to his desk. "Come on. I'll give you some food. But from now on, you eat a whole breakfast. I don't want you starving." He lectured. All I could do was smile. Silly.

2000 words! Yessss, I'll make these longer :3 sorry if it seems I'm jumping in too quick. Just tell me if you want me to slow the story down. :) byee!

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