Chapter 6: Another Booty Call?

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After that, the day passed by normally. I was too tired to function the rest of the day that when I got home, I was out. My mom would probably be gone by the time I awoke.
I was right. Top Ramen for dinner and back to binge watching Netflix. I am NOT studying after Freedman pulled that stunt. He can suck a turtle! I sigh when I hear someone knock on my door right after I get comfortable and kick my blankets off.
I run up to the door and open in in nothing but pink panties and an oversized 'five finger death punch' shirt. "Who dare disturb my Ali time?" I say in a deep voice with my bangs over my eyes. I heard his deep laughter and looked up at him. "Another booty call?" He laughed again slightly. "Even though you fed me..I'm still mad at you." I told him and crossed my arms. "That's too bad." He walked inside, past me. "Come in." I roll my eyes. "Ali, stop rolling your eyes. It's disrespectful. And drop the attitude." I gaped at him. "You're not my father Mr. Freedman. I can do what I want." He took a step closer. "No, but I am your teacher." I scoffed at his response. "This is my house." I glared. "No, it's your mom's trailer." He smiled with a slight tilt of his head. I felt offended and shoved him. He grabbed my wrists. "I'll punish you." I rolled my eyes. "Ali!" He growled. "Empty threats." I pulled away from him. I wanted to test him. Guess he failed that test because before I knew it I was grabbed again and drug over to the couch and thrown over his knee.
My breath hitched and I laid across him shocked. Was he really going to do something? "Ali, I'm serious. I-I want you to lie still." He sounded like he was unsure about what he was going to do. "And if I don't?" I ask curious. "Then it gets worse." I let out a shaky breath as I stared at my living room floor, my fluffy blanket halfway hanging off of the couch. "W-what does Sir?" I heard him let out a breath too. "This." I felt a hand land on my behind, not too gently at all. I gasped and went to stand. "No!" He held me down with his free arm. My shirt had lifted slight, exposing the rest of my thigh, and my pink panties. I felt him take another breath. "Lie still or I'll have to tie you down." Oh my God. Fuck, my friends were right. I felt my cheeks heat up. My face cheeks I mean..okay yeah those cheeks too. His hand came down again and I bit my lip. Three more times, harder. I whimpered. Once, really hard. I cried out this time. The twice, more softly.
I felt his hand slide from my bottom, to my waist. He pulled me up gently. I didn't know whether to look up at him or stare at the floor. Mt question was answered when his finger tilted my chin up. His eyes kind of sparkled in a dark way and he had a tempting smile on his face as a strand of his hair fell over his face. He cupped my face in his hand and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "Behave now Ali. Please." I nodded shakily, not knowing how to respond. He stands and walks towards the kitchen to find his way out. Quickly I stood and spoke when he was about halfway to entering the kitchen. "So it just goes without question doesn't it?" He turned to me. "What does Allison?. I didn't move. "Are you just being teacher-like and punishing me for behaving like that or..or was that...something else?" I didn't know if I should put the 'something else' into words since I might sound stupid. He sighed. "I don't know." I took a step forward. " threatened to tie me down." I barely laughed. "Yeah, I did. And I will." I blushed and looked down. "Silly girl. Study for that test tomorrow." He walked off. Halfway through the kitchen he spoke again. "Or else."

He left me in shock and with a sore behind. Okay, I know the spanking wasn't that bad but I have sensitive baby soft skin...leave me alone. I curled back onto couch oddly satisfied and took out my books. I sighed in defeat and started reading up and memorizing the information he gave me yesterday.

It was a little difficult to study when the thought of what happened an hour ago kept running through my head; but I did it. I should be okay for tomorrow's test. I packed my books back and fell asleep on the couch.

NEVER FALL ASLEEP ON YOUR COUCH WITHOUT AN ALARM!!! I woke up when 2 period was almost over and I was rushing and running all over the place. Stupid body! You're not suppose to sleep in! It's still Friday! I quickly threw my hair up in a messy bun with a PINK sweatshirt and grey sweatpants and rushed to school after throwing my things in the the back. My friends must be pissed!
I pull into the parking right before the bell for third period rang, I rushed in with my bag, got a tardy slip, and hurried into Freedman's two minutes before the late bell.
Holy crap! Has anyone else had to do this? (Anyone? XD ) I earned a few stares from others as they saw my rare appearance and sat on my seat beside Mindy. "Where the hell were you?" She glared at me. "I slept in. Chill out, everyone does it." I glared back. She sighed. "Whatever. I'm not ready for this test." I looked out the window after nodding in response. A few seconds after the bell, Freedman passed around the tests, barely giving me attention. Ugh.

The test was easier than expected, I went through it pretty quick and felt good about it afterwards. After flipping the three pages stapled together over, he smiled at me. I blushed and looked out the window.

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