29. No Love Lost

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I literally stayed up writing this and I'm tired so ignore anything that don't make sense. it's not edited yet so read at your own risk

It was 4 in the afternoon when king got to his trap house

" Hey boss, I was just about to hit you up " ghost says closed dapping king up and making his presence presence known

" wassup, you got something for me ?" King asked about to roll up a blunt

" yeah, let me holler at you outside right quick" ghost said motioning towards the door with with his neck

King nodded and started walking back out side the trap house wondering what he had to tell him that everyone couldn't hear

Ghost followed closely behind king feeling a fresh of air hitting him soon as he stepped outside and started pacing back and forth

" You good homie?" King asked

Ghost stop at the railing and grip it shaking his head and uttered " Yeah but I don't know if you will"

King turned towards him interested in what was wrong with him

" tell me Who I gotta bag ?"

Ghost shook his head no and ran his hands through his face " You gone be happy about this but I just don't know how to tell you " he says with so much stress

Now king was getting worried his heart raced wondering what on Earth was Ghost Talking about

" Tell me what?" king ask getting out of patience

" Man. You know how you ask me to look into your father case and all the day before yesterday I found the nigga that ordered a bounty on him "

King heart dropped, it felt like somebody stab him fifty times in his heart. It was the exact words he been waiting to hear since he started looking for who killed his father and uncle but damn nothing felt right this shit couldn't be that easy

" Who?" He questioned

" Some nigga who go by the name Malcom green, he owns multi buildings and clubs and I think he doing business with the mafia family does that name ring a bell"

King shook his head no he ain't never met a man name Malcom in his life

" I figure it wouldn't so I tracked him and his baby mama down at the mall yesterday and found out where he stay" Ghost said handing king the tracker

" tell me what to do with the info I found boss "

King took a deep breath looking down at the tracker St. Petersburg fl

" You and Davonte head down to Florida and bring me that nigga, I want him alive "

Ghost nodded almost smiling he love going in mission it was a way he cope with his life by keeping his self busy with work and pay less attention to bullshits

King watched ghost walk away and closed his eyes having a flash back of his father

" Eli boy what I tell you bout bringing these little untrained girls in my house?"

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