49. Flashback

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Warning I haven't edit this chapter yet so read at your own risk

49. Flashback


"You're awake" king mother exclaim smiling, she had been in the hospital for the past weeks, and he was finally awake

King looked around and squinted in confusion, "why we in the hospital ?" He asked.

"You don't remember?" His mother asked on concern

King tried to shake his head but everything was hurting him he couldn't even turn his neck " no. what happened?" He asked as he started to panic from seeing the different types of plugs that were plugged all over his chest.

"Everything's will be okay, please calm down," his mother told him forcefully trying to remain calm herself

"Why can't I feel my legs" he yelled in frustration, he was confused and his mind was blank, he couldn't remember the event that happened after leaving the mall with his uncle and father

"Okay. You, your uncle and your father were in a car accident and the car rolled over several of times and y'all got injured pretty badly "

"are they alright?" He questioned looking at her with mixed emotions

"Your fa-" she paused looking down and blinking several times and decided on taking a different approach "your uncle didn't make it"

King felt his heart clenched all of a sudden, he closed his eyes tightly breathing in and out to stay calm "where's dad? Can I see him?"

"No. No." His mom said holding him from sitting up "they won't let anyone see him yet, we have to wait"

"What you mean?,"

"too many questions that I don't know the answer to, just take a nap and I promise you'll get the answers later on " she whispered against his head as the nurse came and injected some medics into his iv and a few minutes later the medicine started kicking in, and he began to see blurry til all the images faded away and became pitch black.

"I can't- no you listen to me- I won't allow him to live with that" he heard his mom talking on the phone once he woke up from his 2 hour nap

" I don't care my son's life is on the line and you better fix this shit- before I " she stopped mid sentence once she turned around and seen king was awake, she walked to his bed and sat next to it "how are you feeling?"

"Alright. When can I go home?"

"In a couple of days, be patient." She sighed rubbing the bags under her eyes

He nodded and looked around seeing it was a bunch of balloons and cards in the room "who brought all these?"

"Scarlet, Davonte and Kai'jai had a couple of your friends sign them and some came to visit but you were sleep, so I told them to go home"

" oh" he said and stared into space for a second then look at his mom "why you ain't tell me we got shot"

" I didn't want to worry you"

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