Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


Today is the day I have to convince Dad to let me and the junior of our school go to the Paris trip and then later convince Uncle Ben. I have to kill two birds with one stone, which is going to be difficult. Today being Sunday gives me an advantage. Since on Sunday there is a family get together, Uncle Ben and Dad will be in the same room. So I'll ask them both at the same time. I don't think Will trusts me to go alone anywhere, let alone a trip to Paris, even though teachers will be there and so will Ryan, which actually doesn't matter because we're the same age. That's why I opt to take Dad's permission. So I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

I walked down the stairs with the file behind my back. Dad and Uncle Ben were having a talk in Dad's office, which will give me a perfect way to talk to them.

"Going somewhere?" Jack asked, while passing me up the stairs. Our cousins haven't left yet. They say they are going to spend few days here and then leave to their respective work. Luckily, the day I got my nightmare and the day I woke everyone up with my scream, Jack, Brittany, Zach, Leslie and Marta were at Uncle Ben's house for a night out. So they have no idea what happened here, which I'm glad of.

"Yeah." I agreed. "I'm going to the kitchen."

"Oh! Can you tell Mary-Ann to make me something?" He asked.

"Sure." I nodded.

"Thanks." And then he was off.

I walked down to the kitchen to tell Mary-Ann to make something for Jack. After informing her, I left to go to the office. I knocked on the door, before turning the knob and entering the office.

"Gwen?" Dad called out in surprise. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Nothing serious. I just wanted to talk to you and Uncle Ben," I said, looking in between them.

"Okay? What is it?" Uncle Ben asked, curiously.

"You know, how I love to plan events, right?" I said, giving them a sheepish smile. They nodded, eyeing me carefully. "So I had this idea that we always plan something in school so this time I want to go somewhere different."

They were silent for a moment. They looked at each other and then back at me. "You want to go somewhere out of school?" Dad asked.

"Yes." I confirmed.

"Where exactly?" Uncle Ben asked, cocking his head to a side.

"I was thinking," I paused, not knowing what their expression will be. "Paris."

Together, they raised their eyebrow. "No!"

"What?" I exclaimed. "You didn't even think about it."

"Yes. Because what you're asking is absurd. As for being a Principal, I can't allow you to take the students far. If anything is to happen, the school will be responsible. I can't allow that." Uncle Ben explained.

"Uncle, we won't be alone. We can also mention that only those who are willing to come from our class year can come. And as for the expense and everything, I already prepared it. The teachers can accompany as well. And according to this, the student will be responsible for themselves. So if they agree with that, they can come."

"Do you think their parents will allow them to travel to Paris?" He asked. He turned to Dad. "Would you allow her to go?"

Dad shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Dad, please. It is my idea and if you're the one to decline, how am I suppose to continue?"

"You know I can't let you go when Mr. Black is still out there." He reasoned. The only thing he doesn't know is that I'm doing this for Mr. Black, himself.

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