Spy Fly

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The guys and I were all down in the lab doing some last minute homework, and let's just say, we were getting frustrated. Well, Bree and I were since Chase was already done. He was just helping us with our homework. Bree started swatting something with her hand and I could tell that she was getting aggravated.

"What is that?" She asked.

Chase chuckled. "Bree, relax. It's just a fly."

She kept swatting the fly away. "Well, why is it bothering me when the foul stench of Adam is right there." She pointed to her older brother her grinned.

"Lucky undies, nine days in a row. No lightning strikes. That's science."

"That's just gross." I mumbled.

The fly kept on buzzing around Bree, causing her to keep on flailing her arms around. Leo then walked into the lab, laughing when he caught sight of Bree.

"You look ridiculous." He told her.

"Well, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." She countered.

"Would I?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He held out his hand and to my surprise, the fly landed in his hand.

Bree looked at his hand, eyes wide. "How'd you do that?"

"I talk to insects." He bragged. "They call me the fly whisperer."

"No they don't." I informed him.

Adam put down the bowl of cereal that he was eating and rushed over to Leo. "You can talk to flies? Ask them why bees are such jerks."

Chase walked over to Leo, looked at his bag, and pulled this cool looking container out. "Guys, Leo's messing with you. That's Mr. Davenport's Spy Fly. He designed it for re-con missions." The fly buzzed in Leo's hand and the sound was so annoying that I wanted to take a hammer, and crush it. "See, the fly's head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling the entire thing with a track ball on this watch." He pointed to the watch Leo was wearing.

"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asked.

Chase grinned. "Nope. Leo, I don't think Mr. Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys."

"Then he shouldn't have went to Rock N' Roll Fantasy Camp. Hello! You're almost forty. You can't rock and you're no one's fantasy." Leo replied.

Bree reached down to touch the fly. "Can I see it?"

Leo backed away from her. "Back off handsy! It needs to charge in its fly hive." He opened the container, put the fly in, and closed it.

I did a couple of more math problems before I was finally done. I slammed my notebook shut and did a little victory dance.

"You're so weird." I stopped dancing to glare at my boyfriend. "But still cute.

I smiled and pecked his lips, causing my three friends to gag. "Sometimes you guys make me want to claw my eyes out." Leo said, earning his a punch in the arm.

Leo walked over to Davenport's other desk and plugged in something. "I give you the best of Bree." He pressed something on his watch and suddenly, the screen showed Bree sleeping in her capsule, snoring. Then one with her nose pressed up against the glass, one where's she's drooling, and the last was Bree kissing the glass of her capsule. Adam and Chase were laughing and Bree just looked angry. Even I was a bit ticked off.

"I can't believe you, Leo!" Bree yelled, fuming.

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly." Leo defended.

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