Leo vs. Evil

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“I seriously can’t believe this is happening.” I grumbled to myself as we walked down the stairs. Chase decided to challenge Adam to an arm wrestling competition, and I didn’t understand why.

“Chase,” Leo said. “There is no way you can beat Adam in arm wrestling. It’d be like a chicken wrestling an alligator. All we’d hear is a cock-a-doodle crunch.”

We all started laughing, except for Chase. “He’s right, bro.” Adam said. “Your spaghetti arms are no match for these meatballs.” He then started kissing his arms, causing me to shake my head. Weirdo.

“Hey, when you’re done kissing your girlfriends, let’s do this.” Chase said.

Both brothers got into positions and Bree backed up, then motioned for us to back up as well. “Better back up, guys. You’re in the splatter zone.”

“Okay, I want a clean match.” Leo said. “No whining, screaming, crying or tap outs.” He turned to Chase. “I’m looking at you, Chase.” Chase rolled his eyes. “Three, two, one! Go!”

Chase licked his hand, and Adam getting grossed out caused him to lose the match. He snatched his hand back. “Ugh! Hey!” Adam’s face cringed. “No fair! He licked his hand!” He wiped his hand on Bree’s shirt, causing her to jump away.

Chase laughed. “Ha ha! Exactly! Clever beats strong any day!”

Leo help up Chase’s arm. Too bad he grabbed the hand Chase licked. “Chase wins.” “Wait, which hand did you lick?” My boyfriend pointed to the one Leo was holding.

“That one.” Leo looked like he was about to puke as he dropped his hand. Yeah, I wasn’t even about to hold his hand until he washed it. Leo then held up the other arm. “Chase wins!”

I saw Marcus come down the stairs and I smiled at him. “Hey, guys! How’s it going?”

“Ooh, bundle up, everyone. It just got partly creepy with a hundred percent chance of annoying.” Leo somewhat insulted.

“Oh, am I gonna need an umbrella for that?” Adam asked.

“So, you guys wanna hangout at my house after school? We just got a sick new flat screen.” Marcus beamed.

“Is it as sick as you make me because that’d be pretty sick?” Leo said, causing me to hit him upside the head. That was just rude.

“We’d love to hangout today.” Chase said, smiling.

“Chase is too polite to say it, so I’ll say it for him; you’re a lunatic and we’re leaving.” Leo started pushing us towards the school doors.

Once we were outside, I turned to Leo. “Leo, you need to give it a rest. Marcus is a good guy, and you keep insulting him and making him seem like a bad guy.”

“Because he is!” He threw his hands up in the air and started walking towards the house. I rolled my eyes as we followed. Chase grabbed my hand, but I quickly took it back.

“Um, what?” He asked, confused. While Adam and Bree were laughing at my sudden action, I reached into my bag and handed him a bottle of hand sanitizer.

“Use some of that, and then I’ll hold your hand.” I told him. He rolled his eyes and squeezed some of the cool goo on his hands, rubbing it in.

“There.” He muttered, handing me back the bottle.

I smiled. “Here.” I held out my hand for him to take, which he did. I knew it was a good idea to carry hand sanitizer with me at all times.


Not What It Seems (Chase Davenport/Lab Rats Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum