Memory Wipe

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Double update! I'm just on fire! Enjoy!

"We're gonna be in so much trouble with Mr. Davenport." Chase said as we approached the door. "We're two hours past curfew, and the lights are already off."

"We are bionic teenagers who go on top secret missions." Bree said. "I'm pretty sure we can sneak past an out-of-shape, middle-aged man."

"Alright, well, just to be safe, I'll use my bionic vision to scan inside." Chase said. He placed two fingers on his temple and faced the door. A few seconds later, he turned to us. "All clear. They must be asleep."

"Good, but we've got to be super quiet." Leo warned.

"Sneakin' in after curfew. This'll totally boost my bad boy cred."

I looked at my boyfriend. "Chase, you don't have a bad boy cred."

"Yeah, if anything, Alex does." Adam said. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What? You're pretty badass."

"But I'm not a boy." I told him. He shrugged.

Chase slowly opened the door and we quietly walked in. All the lights were off, so I could only hope that no one would hit their foot on something. I heard the door close, but it was only loud enough for us to hear.

Just as we were about to exit the living room, the lights turned on follow by, "BUSTED!" We all jumped about a foot in the air and screamed. When we turned around, no one was there.

Suddenly, Davenport appeared on the red chair, causing us to scream again. "Ha!"

"I don't get it! I scanned the room!" Chase exclaimed.

"Mm-hmm, and I foiled you with my invisibility cloak!" He threw his cloak on the couch. "Again I say, Ha!"

"Well, you got us." Leo said. "Good night."

We tried to make a run for it, but stopped at his voice. "Freeze!" We turned to him. "You are all grounded. Three weeks." I gaped at him.

"What?!" "That's not fair!" "Come on!" "Seriously?!" "Is that all you got?" You could guess who that last one was.

"Look, you guys have no idea what it's like raising teenagers." Davenport said.

"He can't ground me if he can't see me!" Adam told us before running towards the couch. I assumed he went to grab the cloak, but he grabbed the blanket instead. He threw it over himself and ran. Right into the door. Ouch!

"I didn't grab the invisibility cloak, did I?" He asked.

"No you didn't, Adam." I told him. "No you didn't."


Since we were grounded, we weren't allowed to leave the house. Like, at all. And since today was only the first day of our grounding, we decided to hang out in the lab and play cards. It was quite boring.

"I hate being grounded. Is the three weeks over yet?" Adam asked.

"It hasn't even been a day." Bree told him.

Suddenly, Davenport came running in, smile on his face. "Guys! Guys! I did it! I finally did it!"

"Graduated to big boy shoes?" Leo joked, causing me to giggle.

"No. I finally achieved something I have wanted my whole." Davenport smiled. "I won the Presidential Medal for Scientific Achievement!"

"That's great." Chase told him.

"I think I got one of those for doing pull-ups in gym class." Adam said.

"I don't think so." Davenport said.

Not What It Seems (Chase Davenport/Lab Rats Story)Where stories live. Discover now