Robot Fight Club

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Lab Rats got picked up for a season 4!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!

"Why am I down here again?" I asked as I watched the three bionics fight. They were dressed in grey GI's. Adam and Chase were fighting while Bree was punching a dummy.

My question went unanswered as they continued to fight. Mr. Davenport walked in and clapped his hands, causing my friends to stop what they were doing. "Alright guys. Gather up." They huddled around him while I continued to watch them from my spot at the lab table. "Today, we're going to study one of the time honor traditions of Japanese culture."

"Oh! Nun-chuck combat?" Bree asked.

"Samurai sword fighting?" Chase asked, hopeful.

"Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?" That was obviously Adam, but I couldn't help but chuckle.

"We will be studying the great martial art of Aikido. The key principle of which is to deflect your agressor's attack by using his own speed and strength against him." Davenport explained. I couldn't help but perk up at this. I wouldn't mind learning Aikido.

"Can we just get to the point where I obliterate them?" Bree asked.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound echoed through the lab, and I guessed it was Davenport's phone. I guessed correctly when I watched him pick it up. "Haha, I have to take this. Uh, it's about money; which is not more important than you, but is a very close second." He walked out of the lab and the four of us remained.

"Hey Adam. Attack me." Chase said, causing my eyes to widen.

"Okay. Your hairs stupid, you're too short, your face is weird, you're weird-"

"I meant hit me." Chase said, interrupting Adam's list of insults.

"Okay, good, because it was going to be a really long list." Adam chuckled, getting into a fighting stance.

"Wait, wait." Bree said. "Are you sure about this? Adam is ten times stronger than you."

"Doesn't matter," Chase replied. "With Aikido, a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one."

"Ah, but what if a weaker opponent fits neatly into an over head storage bin?" Adam quipped. "I'm talking about you."

My boyfriend rolled his eyes. "Just hit me."

The two boys got into a fighting stance and Adam started going in for a punch. Before he could actually hit Chase, Chase grabbed his arm and flipped him, causing Adam to land on his back. Damn!

Chase smirked and turned to Bree. "And that's all you need to know about Aikido."

"Oh, I get it." Bree said. She then grabbed Chase's arm and flipped him, causing me to wince. Ouch!

Chase groaned and propped himself up on his elbows. "Bree! That's not Aikido."

"Oh, really? My bad." She said and did a handshake with Adam. Uh, what?

They both walked out of the lab as I got off my chair and walked over to Chase. "You alright?" I asked, lending him my hand. He took it and stood up.

"Yeah, but that could of gone a lot better." I chuckled and pecked his lips.

"Ew, PDA." Leo complained, walking into the lab. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on Chase's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me closer. "Anyway, Chase, I need your help. The annual Mission Creek Robot Throw Down is coming up."

"Leo, for the last time: I am not a robot. I'm a man." Leo stared at him. "One day I'll be a man." He corrected.

"I'm not talking about you. It's a competition where remote controlled robots fight to the death! Here, take a look." Leo brought up a video of The Throw Down, forcing us to watch. We watched as a bunch of robots battled to the death. I found it boring, but didn't say anything.

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