Missin' The Mission

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School yesterday was so boring. Want to know why? Adam, Bree, and Chase weren't in school because they had to go on a mission so Leo and I were extremely bored all day. Not to mention that Principal Perry kept asking us where they were. It was really annoying. I mean she's just an annoying person in general, but you understand.

When our bionic friends and Mr. Davenport returned from their mission last night, Leo immediately started asking Davenport questions. Apparently, Leo gave Davenport research that they could use on the mission, but they were never used. Instead, his research was used to clean up a coffee spill.

We were currently in school, talking about the most random things when Principal Perry walked up to us. I mentally groaned, not in the mood to deal with her.

"You three missed school yesterday." She pointed out. I so badly wanted to say something, but I bit my tongue. "Not that I didn't enjoy it!" She laughed. "But it's been happening way too much lately. Look at this attendance report." She then held up a clipboard with paper records.

"You still keep paper records?" Chase questioned. "You know we have computers now? Also indoor plumping and fire."

Perry glared at my boyfriend. "Do you really want to poke the bear?"

"Do you really want to use that analogy?" Leo replied with his own question.

"Shut it, Dooley!" Perry snapped. "I've been working out. Don't make me flex my guns." She then hunched her shoulders, somewhat posing. What was wrong with our principal? She turned back to Adam, Bree, and Chase. "You three are in big trouble."

"Actually we're not." Bree said, removing a note from her pocket. "We have a note from our dad. He signed it and everything."

"With his name." Adam added, stating the obvious.

Bree handed Perry the note and she looked over it. "Oh, well, I'm sorry, my bad. That changes absolutely...nothing!" Perry ripped up the note and we watched all the pieces float towards the ground. "Just because your dad lets you cut school doesn't mean I have to. Somebody has to be the disciplinarian. It's like I tell my cats," She started making a hissing noise, using her hands to act like claws. "See you three in detention." She walked away, leaving us five alone.

"Great," Chase groaned. "We miss school for a mission and get punished. This isn't fair."

"No, it really isn't." Leo said. "Well, you guys have fun." He walked away, all smiley.

"If you guys want, I could get detention and stay with you?" I offered.

They shook their heads. "No, we don't want you to do that." Bree said. "But thanks."

I smiled. "No problem."

When school was over, I decided to stay and wait for Adam, Bree, and Chase to get out of detention. I wanted Leo to stay with me so I was completely alone, but he wanted to go home and play video games. He's such a video game addict.

I decided to wait for the guys by my locker which wasn't that far away from the gym. I sat on the floor and played with my phone as I waited.

"I'm so bored." I muttered to myself as I continued to play with my phone.

Suddenly, I spotted Leo walking into the school, so I got up and walked over to him. "Leo, what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Davenport sent me down here to Adam, Bree, and Chase out of detention. I have a note for Perry."

"I have a feeling she won't care about the note." I told him as we walked towards the gym.

My eyes slightly widened when I saw two lunch spot us. We technically weren't even supposed to be in school since there were no after school activities. If you didn't have detention, you couldn't be in school.

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