A Rather Dramatic Entrance

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These are all the spells that are used in this chapter. You can use it to better understand what these spells are and how to pronounce them.

Alarte Ascendare (a-LAR-tey ah-SEN-deh-rey) - shoots the target high into the air

Alohomora (al-LOH-ha-MORH-ah) - unlocks doors

Aqua Eructo (A-kwa ee-RUCK-to) - this spell is used to create and control a jet of clear water from the caster's wand tip

Avada Kedavra (ah-VAH-dah keh-DAV-rah) - killing curse; causes the target to be killed instantly

Confringo (kon- FRING-goh) - causes anything the spell comes in contact with to explode and thereafter burst into flames

Crucio (KROO-shea-oh) - inflicts intense pain and torture on what the spell touches until they tell the caster whatever they want to know

Episky (ee-PISS-key) - used to heal minor injuries like broken bones and repairing cartilage

Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ARE-muss) - disarming charm; causes whatever the victim is holding to fly away from their hand

Fianto Duri (fee-AN-toh DOO-ri) - defensive charm to form a shield that protects caster from spells and other objects


One night in Harry's fifth year, just before Delores Umbridge becomes Headmaster, there's a storm while everyone is in the Great Hall having dinner. Thunder and lightning are raging war outside as rain bats the castle walls and windows. The students talk amongst themselves as they enjoy the feast.

Harry is sitting with his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, as Ron's younger sister, Ginny Weasley, slid over next to Ron. "Hello Harry." She smiles meekly.

Harry grinned back, "Hello Ginny. How you figure Quidditch practice went today?"

"Well, I definitely think we need to improve our speed when we're up against Slytherin. If we can't intercept some of their passes, we might lose this year. Gryffindor doesn't have Oliver Wood for a Keeper anymore." She said tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear.

Harry pondered the thought for a second before nodding in agreement. "You don't have Wood, but you have me." Ron said proudly and stuffs the last piece of his muffin in his mouth. Ginny smiled and playfully slapped her brother's arm and Hermione rolled her eyes.

Harry smiled but soon felt a twang of pain in his scar. He brought his hand up to rub the scar and grunted. His friends' eyes all turned their attention towards their friend with concerned looks on their faces. "Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded and continued to rub his scar as Professor Umbridge stood up to speak.

"Attention students!" She yelled to the crowd of witches and wizards as she made her way to the stand at the front of the stage. All of the teachers at the head table rolled their eyes at Umbridge and sighed. Hagrid crossed his arms over his large chest and prepared for the next spiel about the Ministry of Magic that Umbridge decided to spill.

The Great Hall was soon silenced as the students turned their attention to the unbearable pink witch at the front of the room. Harry tried to pay attention as his scar kept pulsing with pain. "Hello children," Umbridge has the same fake smile plastered on her face, like always. "As you know, there have been rumors of a suspected group that is practicing magic, hidden from everybody else." People started murmuring to each other as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny shared an uneasy glance.

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