Her Favorite Spot

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Spells used in this chapter:

Aberto (Uh-bare-toe) - A spell presumably used to open objects such as doors or windows.

Accio (AK-ee-oh) - This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance. It can be used in two ways; either by casting the charm and then naming the object desired, or by pointing your  at the desired object during or immediately following the  to "pull" the target toward the caster; in either case, the caster must concentrate on the object they wish to summon in order for the charm to succeed. The caster doesn't necessarily need to know the location of the target if they say the name of the object to be summoned.

Aguamenti (AH-gwah-MEN-tee) - Produces a fountain or jet of water from the wand tip.

Remus sighed before Apparating to Phoenix' 'favorite spot'. He was sure this was where she was, especially after what had just happened. As Remus arrived at the old park, he searched around for her. His eyes finally landed on Phoenix - who was sitting on the top of the monkey bars with one leg dangling over the side and the other cradled into her chest - who was overlooking the skyline.

Remus started walking over to her as she glanced behind her to see who it was. "I thought I might find you here!" Remus called.

Phoenix faced the skyline again and sighed, "Well, you found me." Her voice was so broken and so quiet, you could barely hear her.

"Nix, come on," Remus said as he tugged on her foot, "talk to me."

Phoenix laughed, "What do you want me to say, Remus?" Remus sniffled and looked at his feet. "Sirius is dead, okay! And there's nothing we can do to bring him back."

"There is one thing." Remus mumbled.

Phoenix perked up. "What is it?"

"I'm not going to tell you, because you can only use it once. Even if you try to use it again, it won't work."

"Remus, what is it?" Phoenix asked, eager to see her family again.

"It's called the Resurrection Stone," He explained, "it's one of the-"

"-Deathly Hallows, I know," She interrupted, "you and Sirius told me the story a million times."

Remus gave her a warm smile as he climbed up to the top of the monkey bars and sat next to her. "We had some good times." He smiled. "Even in Azkaban."

"Yeah, if you call going to prison for talking with your caregiver, sharing a cell wall with your estranged cousin-aunt-person, and getting frequent visits from the Dark Lord himself good, then yes, it was fantastic." Phoenix retorted.

"You know what I mean, Nixie." He playfully bumped her shoulder and smiled, "we had good memories and fun times."

Phoenix snorted, "Yeah, like the time Sirius and I opened all the doors and windows in the house to play a prank on you when I was sick." Both of them smiled, recalling the memory.

"Nixie, you need to be quiet if you want to pull this off." Sirius said as he ushered a five year old Phoenix under the table in the living room of their flat (British word for apartment).

"Okay, fine," Phoenix giggled, "I'll be quiet now."

Sirius smiled at her and glanced at the window, "Now do you remember the spell?" Phoenix nodded her head eagerly. "Say it for me then."

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