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Spells used in this chapter:  

Expecto Patronum (eks-PECK-toh pah-TROH-num) - This charm is a defensive spell which will conjure a spirit-like incarnation of their positive emotions to defend against dark creatures; it can also send messages to other witches or wizards. It seems one's Patronus will take the form of something important to the caster, and can change when one has undergone a period of heightened emotion.

As the weeks went on, Phoenix would be running errands for the Death Eaters since she was younger and more powerful than the others there; though they would never admit that to her. At Hogwarts, Professor Snape was appointed Headmaster by Lord Voldemort and was ordered to keep the school in check. Though the Slytherin house was thrilled to have Snape as the Headmaster, the rest of the school wasn't joining in the merry times.

Professor McGonagall figured that Snape was up to something and that he wasn't really like this, but he hid his plans well. Draco however, was the only Slytherin not celebrating. Sure he was happy to have Snape as Headmaster, but he missed Phoenix; he missed seeing her everyday, he missed the way she smiled randomly and lit up the room, he missed the way she would be totally comfortable being herself in front of everyone, he missed the way she spoke her mind without worrying about the consequences. But most of all, he missed the warm feeling that grew inside him when he looked at her and the butterflies that took over his stomach when she looked at him.

Harry, Ron and Hermoine were God knows where doing God knows what with God knows other words; things weren't going too well on the hunt for Horcruxes.

But as the dreaded attack on Hogwarts grew closer, Phoenix grew more and more nervous. Since she was still new to the group of Death Eaters, Phoenix wasn't filled in on the plan for fear of betraying their cause and telling her twin brother - though Bellatrix knew that Phoenix wouldn't and reassured the others that Phoenix would remain loyal. Phoenix despised Bellatrix - more than she already did - for placing a target on Snape's head and blackmailing her into joining the Death Eaters.

All Phoenix wanted to do was rip Bellatrix's face off, but she knew that wouldn't be the best idea; she may have been powerful but there was no way she could take on the hoard of Death Eaters that would come and avenge Bellatrix's death.

Instead, she waited. Weeks turned into months and months turned into the start of the new year. The holidays had passed and all Phoenix wanted was to be with Harry and visit Godric's Hollow like she would do with Remus every Christmas.

Phoenix missed Remus too; she hadn't seen or heard from him in so long. She knew that he and Tonks were settled down but she didn't know if he was alright.

As for right now, she was sitting in her room at Malfoy Manor, staring out the window as she waited for the days to pass. A knock at the door caught her off-guard. She whipped her head around to see Lucius Malfoy with a smug grin on his face. Phoenix rolled her eyes, "You knocked? Really?"

Malfoy shrugged, "I'm evil, not inconsiderate."

"On some occasions," Phoenix mumbled, continuing to look out the window.

"It's nearly the holidays, I wasn't expecting you to still be here," He continued, not taking into regard the fact that Phoenix still and forever will hate him.

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