Hidden in the Closet

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Spells used in this chapter:

Avada Kedavra (uh-VAH-duh keh-DAV-rah) - killing curse; causes the target to be killed instantly.

        The second and final day that Phoenix and Draco were supposed to be in Godric's Hollow. Phoenix still didn't know what they were supposed to be looking for, but whatever it was, Draco seemed determined to find it. They were currently walking through the town. Phoenix could've sworn that she saw Draco reading directions off of his palm, but he moved his hand before she could get a better look at it.

        Phoenix furrowed her brows as she knew what street they were turning onto and she stopped in her tracks. Draco turned around with a concerned look on his face. "You alright Love," Draco asked as he walked back to where Phoenix had stopped. He placed a comforting hand on Phoenix' shoulder but she shook it away.

        "Why are we going to my house?" Phoenix didn't know whether to be angry or stupid. Angry because Voldemort was about to get his paws on something from her house and Phoenix didn't want to give it to him, and Stupid because she should've expected it.

        "What are you talking about?"

        Phoenix grabbed Draco's palm and pointed to it, "These are directions to my house. You know, the house that my parents died in?" Draco sighed and shook his head.

        "I should've known."

        "Ditto." Phoenix looked down the street, she could almost see her house from here. Draco grabbed her hand and intertwined it with his, giving her comfort. She let out a deep sigh and started walking towards her house, pulling Draco along behind her.

        Once they got there, they walked inside slowly and finally came to a stop when they reached the stairs. Phoenix reached out and touched the railing and immediately got punched with a flashback to the night her parents died.

        James Potter was rocking his baby girl in his arms and hummed a little lullaby, trying to calm his hyper little one. He reached the stairs and started walking up them but was suddenly halted by Lord Voldemort. "Hello James," said Voldemort menacingly.

        James knew this day was coming, but he didn't know it would be here this soon. He gulped, "Please leave the children alone Voldemort, they don't deserve this; they're only babes-"

        "FOOL! The children are the reason I am here Potter," Voldemort spat, raising his wand at James. James fiddled with the wand in his pocket but couldn't reach it in time. "Avada Kedavra!" The spell flew in what seemed like slow motion. James turned his back to Voldemort, shielding the little one in his arms. His daughter looked up at her father with wide hazel eyes, too innocent and young to know what was going on.

        James smiled at his daughter and kissed her forehead, "I love you Phoenix Potter, my baby girl." One last time, James smiled as his daughter's lips pulled into the widest grin he'd ever seen. Then the spell hit his back. James fell against the closet by the stairs, still holding his daughter in his arms.

        When the two of them hit the ground, little Phoenix poked her daddy, wanting him to wake up. A shadow was cast over her and she looked up to see Lord Voldemort standing above her, a maniacal grin on his face. Phoenix looked up at the strange man and tilted her head, clearly confused. Lord Voldemort rolled his eyes, "What are you looking at you little ponce?"

        Phoenix giggled, rocking so hard that she fell over. Voldemort once again rolled his eyes and turned to walk up the stairs, stopping to look down at the baby in hysterics, "I'm going to kill you later." And with that he walked up the stairs.

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