Chapter Seven : My Heart slipt away

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"We show him the way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will)." (76:3)

Chapter seven:

My Heart slipt away

I stared at the text that appreared on my whats'app chat list the next morning. I couldn't fathom anything but the profile picture was familiar. I saved the picture to my gallery and zoomed to see the details. It was no one else but him. Yahya!!! At first I was shocked but later on I accepted the situation and tried to be normal. However only one question played in my mind. Where did he get my number from?

I looked at the text and honestly my fingers were twitching to answer the text. I knew all this was not permissible in islam however I couldn't act accordingly. My heart was skipping beats and the butterflies in my stomach got the best part of me. The phone vibrated again notifying me on a message that was sent. I looked again and it was him. 

Assalaam aleikum. Hope you had a good night. I was dropping by a mall and I thought it would be better if I bought you something since I bought mom too :) Yahya

A small smile curved on my lips. I appreciated the fact that this gesture was sweet. I felt my heart making weird beats inside my chest. I could no longer resist the urge and here I failed as a muslimah. I grabbed my phone and quickly typed,

Waaleikum salaam. That's sweet of you, but this isnt needed. Jazakallahu kheyr.  Jannat

You are going to be my other half soon. It would be better if we started acknowledging that fact. By the way whats your favourite color? -Yahya

It's red :) Jannat

That's great. I see we got similar tests :p  Yahya

haha. Yours too?! Jannat

Yes. I feel different with that color:p Yahya

Excuse me. I have to go. Some other time :) Jannat

I had never conversed with boys. This was my first time. I felt my adrenaline levels shoot as sweat trickled down my forehead. He roamed around my thoughts and I felt a little bit happy looking at the phone.

My heart had began to slip. In fact I had fallen for him. I hated to admit that fact but it was just but the truth. Attraction, huh? Well that's easy. Attraction is a magnet. It's that thought inside your head that says "There's something about this..." You gravitate towards this extraordinary thing that has captured your attention, and the more you're exposed to it, the more you learn about it. It may bloom into something more, or you'll just lose interest and go find something else to be attracted to. In my case it had bloomed to a feeling that I believed to be only found in books and poetry. Love .

"Jannat. This shouldn't happen." I spoke to myself.

"Jannat aapi.Help me with this assignment. My lecturer would be pissed if I submit an incomplete assignment. Please help this troubled soul." Souha said interrupting me from my thoughts.

"I laughed at her troubled face and the lines on her forehead depicted her tension. I put my hands on her shoulders and tried to calm the worried girl. "Don't worry I am here to help you. But tell me one thing. Why didn't Murad help you out?" I asked giggling.

Falling Harder✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora