Chapter Seventeen : Turning pages

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For the love of my readers who cheated on their comments here's the promised chapter ;p

For the next one, I believe we can have twenty five votes on this one so that you can bag the next one.

Happy Reading <3

"O you who do not believe! I worship not what you worship, and you are not worshipping what I worship; nor am 1 worshipping what you wor­ship; neither -art you worshipping what I worship. Therefore, to you your religion; and to me my religion!" (chap. 109)

Chapter Seventeen:

Turning pages

"What's wrong with you!? You are harassing my sister and here you are, boozing. Shame on you. Our religion doesn't restrict people from worshipping other deities. You are committing a heinous crime and trust me, the consequences will be worse if you don't apologise for your shameless acts." I spoke angrily at the abuser.

"What can you do to me? You all are terrorists and you by coming here threatening me, will see the worst side of me!" He roared coming towards me.

I wasn't scared at all. This was just a test, maybe I'd say it was an exam that Allah was testing me with. I had to be tolerant during brawl for the same of my religion.

"Am not Souha to get scared of you. You are completely aware that whoever tries to harass anyone in the college area, will be rusticated once a complaint is filed against him. And thinking of that, I see darkness hovering around your future. Think before you leap. You might be throwing stones at others and Allah is planning a massive war on you." I talked gritting my teeth.

"I don't care about your religion and whatever it teaches about. You stay with your lecture, I don't care. And about the college, for your kind information my dad is one of the board of members and wouldn't have rusticated out of the college." He smirked nearing his face to mine.

I walked away from his smelly face, feeling disgusted of him. He was an ignorant person and talking to him was just useless. I had recorded all our conversation in my phone and the battle against this injustice had kicked off.

"Wait and watch!" I spat walking towards my car. Being a law student, I was completely aware of such people. It was my bad that I didn't complete my course due to the Yahya crisis. He was no longer part of me that I wanted to keep alive for the next days of my life. I was done with his memories but somewhere it still pinched me when my thoughts betrayed me, travelling to the one who never cared about me even for a moment.

As I started my engine, a shadow overlooming my windscreen. I bothered to look at the person but wasn't shocked to find a bunch of boys surrounding my car. They were nearly seventeen and the so called Danish boy stood at the front with a bat in his hand.

"Look who's here. A hijabi. Seems we gonna get some spicy dish! Bloody Muslims! Terrorist!" One of them shouted trying to break the car lock.

"She looks hot by the way guys. Am sure she wants our company," one of them approached the door trying to break in.

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