Chapter thirty one: Is it time yet?

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And those who join what Allah has commanded to be joined, and fear their Lord, and dread the dire reckoning. And those who patiently seek the presence of their Lord, and pray regularly, and spend from Our provisions to them, secretly and openly, and repel evil with good. These will have the Ultimate Home.
[Quran, 13:21-22]

Chapter thirty one:

Is it time yet?


Two weeks have passed successfully, I hope he will have the strength to last this week. If things go well, I think the born marrow transplant will be a successful agenda too. Just make sure you all show lots of support to the patient," the oncologist spoke clearly.

The shifts at the hospital were tiring, since all members were not present. Tariq, Murad's younger brother was back in the hostel. Dad was out of town, bhabi was having her troubles with her four month pregnancy. Kamaal was the one shifting from home, to the office and then have he'd end his day at the hospital.

Souha was either with Sarah or at the hospital. I was not allowed to be at the hospital for long due to my condition.
Besides, our mothers were always there during the day. It was a tough time.

"We will all support him. Rest be assured." Kamaal spoke as he put his hand on mine.

My eyes had become tired of shedding tears. My heart was tired of the shocks, it was tired of grief. I walked out of the consulting room, trying to sit on the bench. I was weak.

I had lost four kilograms due to stress and this was not a good sign. My brother handed me a glass of water, he sat beside me looking at the room opposite us. It was where my husband was.

"Do you know how many times I had lost hope of being a father, I never thought that Sarah would be able to conceive. The doctors were also uncertain of it. She was always optimistic, full of hope and life. You don't despair. Allah is seeing your plight, He will reward you for your patience.

"Bhai, its not that am hopeless, I am just afraid. Am afraid of the possibilities, the maybes, my heart is tired of all these struggles." I spoke batting my eyes fighting the tears that threatened to wash my face.

"Jannat, you are stronger than this. Remember you had days worse than this. You are the strongest person I have seen. This is just a trial and you are a warrior, a fighter. Chin up, feed your soul an atom of patience and you'll see what Allah will reward you,"

I buried my head in my palms. The hospital was such a bad place. Within a few minutes, you'd hear people breaking into wails and cries that filled the entire ambience with grief and hopelessness. At times, my heart wept silently imagining myself in their place. I would walk quickly to see if Murad was fine. He was fine! My heart would feel at rest.

These hospital walls had faced lots of tears for years and if I were at their place I would have shattered. I was tired.

"You've been here for the past four hours, you both go home, we will stay here," Souha and my mom insisted. Leila phoupee was at my maternal home. I must say, this trial had brought a new bond in our family. It was no longer just a family. There was this sense of togetherness, the feeling of belonging and love. They all lived in our place. As if we were all one body.

Tariq and Asif, were both in the hostel. So there was enough space for both families. Kamaal held my hand as we walked out of the hospital.

He drove slowly to our house. He parked the car quietly; walked quickly to the house leaving me sit at the park. I needed time to be alone.

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