Chapter 36 - The Final Fight

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Nova was not wrong when he claimed that tonight would be packed. As soon as we reached the bottom of the steps my eyes began to water from the smell of cigarettes, alcohol and sweat that penetrated my nostrils. The glass bridges above my head were so jam packed with women dancing on poles I was surprised with the amount of weight those glass overpasses could withstand.

I grabbed onto the back of Nova's shirt as he cut through the crowd of people all talking and dancing amongst themselves. Some people he passed even gave him a quick congratulatory pat on the back with strong words of belief that he would win.

He led me to the back corner of the club at a booth that was even more secluded than I could have hoped for. I immediately sat down but was very confused when he didn't sit with me. He stood at the edge of the table as if he were standing guard of something.

"Dani!" A familiar voice brought a smile to my face.

The seat was suddenly occupied with the smiling, goofy face of one of my favorite people.

"Kyle!" I said with a smile. "I haven't seen you in forever." I looked over to see that Nova had left us completely alone. I frowned at the space he was standing at before turning back to Kyle.

"Did ya miss me?" He winked. I grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Of course I have." He squeezed my hand back.

I felt like such a horrible friend. I hadn't thought of Kyle once in this entire situation and though some people would be angry with what his friend had done, it wasn't as if he encouraged it. At least, I hope he didn't.

"You excited?" I nodded even though excited wasn't the right word. I felt as if I would throw up at any moment from the nerves that overwhelmed me. "I am too. This is going to be a really good fight. Tommy Jay and Ryder? That's going to be the fight of the year down here. If Ryder beats Tommy that'll be legend! The guy who beat the owners son!"

I could feel my mouth pop open, "You're kidding?"

"He hasn't told you?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know if you know but Ryder and I aren't exactly on speaking terms." Calling Nova by his last name felt as if I was chewing on a lemon. I hated the sound of it.

The look on Kyle's face confused me. "Has he not talked to you about the picture?" He tilted his head as if he were lost.

A memory of the picture flashed into my mind, tightening my chest with disgust. "He doesn't need to talk to me about it, Kyle. It speaks for itself." I snapped.

"Holy shit, you guys aren't together anymore?" I could see how wide his pupils dilated, even in the dimmed lights.

"Has he told you we are?" I couldn't even imagine him continuing to tell anyone we were still together.

"Kind of. Oh man, shit. No wonder he's been down here almost every night, training." He ran his hands through his hair, pushing pack the blonde strands out of his face and exposing the very rare forehead.

"I don't get it." I noted, "Have you not noticed that we aren't around each anymore?" I asked with eyebrows raised.

"All he said is that you two have to keep a distance for your own safety. I figured Tommy and Bradley were up to something." I shook my head no.

"You really believed I would stay with him after what he did?" I asked surprised that he didn't know me at all.

He looked at me as if he were just slapped in the face. He looked so confused and frustrated and I couldn't even begin to understand why.

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