HWT Sequel - 01

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AN: Please be aware that this sequel is a work in progress. There will be a lot of mistakes and I hope those who read this can look past them! Right now the goal is to finish the sequel and I will go back to make it pretty later. :)

The loud ring of the bell tied to the door made the cashier at the front of the gas station look up at me and smile. I gave her a quick nod of the head to acknowledge I saw her but didn't stop to make conversation as I headed straight for what I had come in for.

I grabbed four different bags of chips, the party sized kind, a couple of questionable looking sandwiches and a bag of skittles before I turned back towards the cashier who waited patiently for me up front.

"This new flavor is my favorite." She said attempting to make conversation after I set my things down on the counter.

I nodded, "Mmm."

"Yeah, I'd say it's probably my favorite of all time now." She smiled as she scanned the rest of my things, her bright red rimmed glasses falling off her small nose and exposing her brown eyes.

"Haven't tried them yet." I admitted.

"You'll love them."

I tried handing her one of the 100 dollar bills that I brought with me as discreetly as possible. I hated carrying anything more than a 20 dollar bill on me. It wasn't inconspicuous enough.

"Did your car break down?" She asked unexpectedly.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm sorry?"

"Your car? Did it break down? I've seen you come in here a few times from the motel across the street."

I bit my lip and slowly nodded my head. And here I was thinking that I was being somewhat discreet with my presence.

"The reason I ask is because we don't really get any new faces that stick around for too long. Unless their car breaks down." She handed me my change and began putting my things into plastic bags.

"Yeah, car troubles." I mumbled as she handed me the bags.

"Where you from?" She asked.

I tried my hardest to make sure I didn't groan out loud when she asked me that question. "Far." I answered shortly.

"You're lucky. I wish I could go far." She sighed.

Up until a few months ago the farthest I had ever gone in my life was to visit my grandparents in Atlanta, Georgia. Now I was nearly halfway across the country in some middle of nowhere town in the good ol' plain state of Kansas. I've spent the last two months sleeping in dirty old motels, eating microwave dinners and looking over my shoulder every 5 minutes.

I wouldn't call myself lucky.

She wished me a good day as I walked out the door and I pretended as if I couldn't hear her. I did a quick sweep of my surroundings to make sure nothing unusual was out of the ordinary before I crossed the street and walked back to our motel room, glaring at the setting fiery sun as it shone right in my eyes and partially blinded me.

No one looked up when I finally made it back and walked through the rusty hinged door. Nova sat on the small two person table beside the window and stared out of it. The setting sun made his face glow in a light orange hue.

"I got dinner for everyone." I lifted the bag a little higher so that they could see.

"Oh goodie. Sandwiches and chips for dinner again." Bella, one of my best friend, rolled her eyes.

"Better than those stupid microwave meatloafs we had in the last town we were in." Will scoffed.

I sighed as I set the bag full of chips onto the table that Nova was seated beside. I took the chair across from him and flopped onto it with an exaggerated sigh.

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