ix. Time Travelers Pig

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Y/n's pov

Yesterday was a great day.

We exposed Pacificas family as a fraud and Mabel being her silly self was a great help and I appreciated her being there with us. I'm pretty sure Pacifica hated me 10x more because I slammed the paper on the car door right next to were she was standing and made her jump like a thousand feet in the air but I didn't care. It felt great.

Anyway today Grunkle Stan is throwing a fair to boost up his money some more. There were question marks every where and I was silently fangirling every time I saw one. Stupid fictional villain characters.

I would imagine today would be like any other day, I would be hanging out with Dip and Mabel and having a blast making fun of everyone and everything. But we will see where this day takes us.

Mabel and Dipper were already outside walking around and I was still getting up from sleeping.

Man I love sleep.

When I got outside I saw the two of them by the corn dog stand, I ran to them and started listening to their conversation and since Mabel had two cotton candys, I took one.

Dipper playfully rolled his eyes. "Come on its no big deal."

What's no big deal?

"Yeah it is." Mabel retorted back, nudging him.

His expression changed as quick as my mood swings. "Ok your right it is! Isn't this amazing? I just dove in and said 'Hey you wanna hang out at the fair?' And you know what she said? 'Yeah I guess so.' It totally worked! All your advice about just going for it, it's finally paying off."

I'm guessing this is about Wendy because of how much he's talking. And because of his excessive amount of hand gestures.

"When are you going to learn Bro-Bro. I'm always right about everything. Hey do you smell a gallon of body spray?"

"Hey either of you dorks seen Wendy around here?" He looked straight at me and I rolled my eyes and ate my cotton candy.

"Who wants to know?" Dipper fired back defensively.

"Yeah I got some super new tight jeans, thought she might want to check them out."

I didn't want to look at his demonstration in fear of throwing up.

"Yeah I think I saw her in the bottomless pit. You should really go jump in there."

Jeez he's getting really defensive over Wendy. It's obvious how Wendy and Robbie are getting closer.

"Maybe I will smart guy." He then walked away and I just stared at the two with no expression, eating my cotton candy.

Now what? Wasn't Wendy supposed to come back to Dipper or did I not get the memo?

"I need to keep him away from Wendy at all costs."

I feel invisible to these two.

"Don't worry brother. Whatever happens I'll be right here support you every step of the- OH MY GOSH IS THAT A PIG?!!"

Oh no. She then ran off and I stood there with Dipper, my half cotton candy and Mabels full cotton candy because I almost finished my first one.

"I'm still here for you Dip. So what's the plan?" I asked with a smile, happy I was going to spend time with my friend.

Wendy came walking over in our direction and Dipper pushed me behind some trash can so she couldn't see me.

I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm pretty sure she already saw me, besides me and her are cool. But I just walked away from them with no cotton candy because of stupid love struck Dipper.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ! dipper pinesWhere stories live. Discover now