Chapter Five

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We got out of the car and we could here (Revolution by The Score) playing, I like that song a lot. We walked in to the house and the first thing I noticed were the red solo cups, they were honestly everywhere, we seen Zane and heath running into the kitchen screaming they stopped instantly and looked at us

'Hey! I'm heath and that's my friend Zane we were waiting on you guys to come' Heath said

'There's Vodka and Beer in the fridge, feel like you're at home, oh and everyone is in the back' Zane pointed and walked away with Heath

I walked over to the kitchen and poured myself beer into a cup so did Corinna. We walked outside and Liza and David were in the pool messing around and the rest were just talking and drinking so we walked over and joined them.

[5 cups of beer later xD]

We all ended up in the pool it was fun but it started to get dark so we decided to go inside and dance in there, it was mad, I knew I was drunk because my vision was blurry and it wasn't that easy to walk so I decided to sit down. I was sitting with my red cup in my hand watching everyone dance and making a fool out of themselves and then a body sat beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.

'Why are you sitting here all on your own and not having fun with others?' I turned around and saw Alex beside me

'Well why aren't you having fun with everyone?' I asked

'Because I'm drunk as fuck and I got tired and I saw you sitting down and I sat beside you' he looked at me with his amazing blue eyes. I mean I was drunk and I didn't know what I was really doing and I ended up cuddling up to Alex and telling him that he has beautiful eyes (YES CRINGE BUT I WAS DRUNK)

'Aww look at these two cuddling' I heard Scotty. Suddenly Alex got up and took my hand 'come on we're going on an adventure' We ran out of the house and just started to run we kept running until we were at the very end on the neighbourhood, we stopped and I looked at Alex 'Come on' he grabbed my hand and we started to walk towards a shop but we didn't actually go to the shop because it was closed we went behind it. We stopped running a we were both trying to catch a breathe.

"Why did you make me do that' I laughed

'Shh..' Alex looked at me 'but why?' I asked 'because I said so' he answered. I become quit and we just started at each other still trying to catch a breathe, Alex started to walk towards me but before I could do anything his lips and mine touched, our kiss didn't last long but it happened I was shocked. I looked at Alex still the both of us close to each other. Alex hand was on my cheek. 'I wanted to do it since I saw you for the first time' he gasped, I was still shocked.

'Wow! I mean I never expected that to happen I mean I wanted that as well, but I didn't expect it to happen on my first day here in LA' I laughed. He laughed back and we started walking to Heath and Zane's house. When we came home everyone were still there but only Scotty, Toddy and Kristen where dancing the rest was sitting down. They all looked at us

'David you owe me five bucks' Scotty yelled while dancing to (Flo Rida – Right Round)

Later on we found out why Scotty said that, it was because David thought we wouldn't comeback and Scotty said that we were going to. For the rest of the night we just ended up playing monopoly and talking and dancing. First night in LA and shit went down already.

Joining The Squad//Vlog Squad//Alex ErnstWhere stories live. Discover now