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         Forever moving upwards I made it to yet another door. It was burned, and blackened, the words reading LEVEL 994 hardly visible anymore. I reached out to touch the door, but two eyes opened. They blinked rapidly before settling on me. I could feel the eyes of the door running over me, feel them as if they were studying me, as if they were looking through me. I stood still waiting for the door to open so I could move to the next level. So close I was to my goal. Only six more levels to go before I freed myself from this nightmare.

      I felt as if forever had passed as I waited for my judgment, then the door swung open. Giving a smug grin I walked through, and they slammed shut behind me. Looking around this level was the same barren waste that the 993 below were. The hole in the center rained down it’s fire as it settled again. I thought about flying to the top when I first came here. Then I watched as another demon with the same idea roasted for it. I could see the souls of the damned on this level. All of them were moving together or with some demon. Moaning lustfully as they partook in death the same pleasures that sent them to hell in life.

         Demon with souls, souls with other souls, demons with other demons. Everyone on this level was in the middle of the biggest orgy I’ve ever seen, not that I saw a lot of orgies. Men were with women, women with women, men with other men, gender didn’t matter here it was free love for everyone.

    Walking through I could see a few people stop, and look at me. The souls, and the demons would pause, and watch me as I passed. I balled my hand into a tight fist ready to attack any of them if I needed. I spotted a soul with black hair, he was on his knees in front of a demon that looked about my age. I couldn’t help the knot that was in my stomach, the demon looked like me. My gray eyes, my black hair, even had on my school uniform. Why, why would that demon look like me? I watched as the head of black hair bobbed up, and down around the fake me. It was an older man on his knees I knew that. My chest was so tight as I walked over to them. My hand trembled as I reached out. I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to know.

     I touched the soul shoulder turning him around and looking into gray eyes that were so much like mine it was painful. I stumbled away as those gray eyes looked into mine. Standing up he grabbed a hold of my face, and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him away fast, and hard making him fall over another soul that was on his knees. I looked to the demon that looked like me, and he stood up. The black hair turning into golden hair, the gray eyes going orange.

     “You must be Natsu.” His voice was deep, and smooth. He walked around me looking me over, and touched my face. I let out a growl, and he laughed a bit at me. “You are indeed something to be desired.” He said, moving closer to me. I could feel him pushing himself into me, and I shoved him away.

    “What the hell was that?” I hissed. “Why did you look like me?” I turned my eyes to the soul again, and frowned as he was crawling over to me again. The demon grabbed his hair and yanked his head back hard. I growled again at how rough he was with the soul. I might have been disgusted by his actions but that soul. Dead or alive, sick in the order or not, that soul was still my father. “Let him go.” I demanded.

    “This here is a lustful beast, he only wants the young boys with black hair and gray eyes. It’s too bad really. He such a good fuck.” He said, and I growled again. “If I let him go he’s going to attack you, I don’t think you want him to do that do you Natsu.”

    “Natsu, Natsu, my Natsu...” My father’s soul said again, and again as he tried to come closer to me. I backed away some frowning in disgust at him. “Natsu, my Natsu, Natsu.”

    “Make him stop.” I said, and the demon laughed.

    “He is a soul now, he only knows the lust he felt in life. He only cares about what that lust was aimed at.” The demon poked to me, and I growled. My father wasn’t this kind of a man. He was a good father to us all. He never once laid a hand on any of us, sexually or otherwise. Why is he like this then, why would he want me in that way? Ban must have done this to him, he was a normal father until Ban came into our lives. “Would you like to try out his mouth Natsu?” I looked from my father to the demon, and frowned. As if I would do something as disgusting as that.

Blood Promise {Bloody Dance Series #2} BoyxBoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن