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     Sitting on the ground where Ban had left me I started to feel a pull on my soul, being a demon I wasn’t sure if soul was the right word. At my very core I could feel something tugging on me. I could see a room with blurry faces, I could hear my name, someone calling to me in the demonic tongue. Calling me by my demon name. I didn’t understand all of the words, but I could feel them.

    In a flash I was no longer were I should have been. I couldn’t feel the heat of hell on my back. Everything was hazy as I stood on a symbol. There were red lights in a circle around me that were dying down. I could hear voices in the room that I had came to. It was dark in this room, and I could see hundreds of candles burning.

    There was at least six humans in the room I looked around as everything started to settle down, and I could make out more shapes. I looked down, and could see my nails, and the words that were on my skin. I was in my demon form. The long white hair, red and gold eyes looked out into the room. Pointy ears and curled horns on top of my head. Black, and red wings flowed from my back. I didn’t remember going into my demon form, and yet here I stood.

    “Zassago,” a voice I knew called, and I looked out into the room. I could see a man in his twenties with short dyed green hair, and hazel eyes. Fang standing in front of me. Seeing Fang I quickly turned so that I could study the other faces in the room. Behind me I saw the blond woman with the hazel eyes. Next to her was Able with his green eyes narrowed, and angry, his blackish-blue hair. I rolled my eyes at him the hatred I felt still there. Though I could see that the wounds received from the battle with Kenji, and Ban were healed.

      A little away from him was Ayase, her black, and white hair was hard to miss. The honey brown eyes she had were narrowed, and cold. My eyes wondered yet again falling on Rai. Her red hair was cut shorter than it had been last time I saw her. Her green eyes held the same coldness as Ayase’s. I could tell that she changed in the six months that I was gone. My eyes were still searching though. I was looking for him.

    At last my eyes fell on him. His long dirty blond hair to the center of his back, his beautiful blue eyes were looking at me. His slim frame, milky white skin, rose red lips, just looking at him I could remember his taste. Remember what he felt like in my arms, remember how much I wanted to touch him now. I reached out, but something within me warned against leaving the circle.

     “Zero,” Soji called me moving closer, but Fang held out his arm holding him back. “I’ve missed you.” He said, and I gave him a smile.

    “I missed you too Soji.” I said. “What is this?”

     “It’s a summoning spell, we thought we could pull you through but Fang isn’t strong enough to bring out an S class demon. Of course my magick wouldn’t allow me to either.” Soji said, and I nodded understanding. “We get to speak for a while though, are you okay?”

    “I’m almost out, I’m going to the door now. The one the government opened, I’m going there I should be out soon.”

     “We will meet you there then.” Soji said, and Rai moved closer to the circle then stopped.

    “Ban is still on earth.” She yelled, and I turned around so that I could look at her. I frowned because I already knew that. Ban had been out maybe for as long as I put him in. I was the one that was suffering, I was the trapped in hell.

    “Yeah I know.” I said still frowning and, I licked my lips as I recalled Ban’s kiss. Looking out at Soji I shook my head clear of my day dreams. I needed to stay on point, stay focused on the task at hand. Getting the fuck out of hell was what I needed to do. It was good to see my friends again, but it was empty. I couldn’t be with them in the flesh. I couldn't reach out, and hug Rai. I couldn’t kiss Soji. It wasn’t really meaningful unless you were able to do those things.

Blood Promise {Bloody Dance Series #2} BoyxBoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora