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Ten (unedited)

        I walked the street in silence with Nero, he seem like an odd guy to know. He was just a few years older than me but I knew that was a lie. He appeared to be the age Ban was but there was something much older in him. Something powerful, and hard to understand. Nero was dark by nature, he tried to hide it with fake smiles and chocolate milk but I could sense it. He wasn’t a demon, and I doubt he used forbidden magick like Fang; still this darkness within him was greater than maybe mine.

        “Are you a member of Soji’s people?” I asked and he looked over at me. His face held a blank look as if he didn’t know who Soji’s people were. “Why do you want to come with me then?”

        “I’m a friend of Rhett, I’m going to The Order of Chaos so that I can tell Rhett what I know. Then I have other people to speak to. I’m a very busy man.” He said then laughed as if it was all just a big joke. I didn’t understand him; he seemed to be silly, and carefree. Then there was moments where he was serious, when it seem as if he was peering into the darkness of this world.

        “The Order of Chaos,” I mused over the words. I knew that they didn’t call themselves Soji’s people but I never cared enough to ask what the name of their band of merry men were. Order of Chaos it had a ring to it, it seem massive to think about; it felt important as if they were doing the work of Gods maybe. To order chaos would be a tough job.

        “You don’t like them,” Nero wasn’t asking me he was stating fact. I did not like the Order of Chaos. “You’re a demon and their opinion of your kind is very low. It is understandable that you would loath the Order. So then why do you go to them.” I looked at him wondering if he cared of was just trying to pick at my brian. I couldn’t figure this guy out. “Soji is why you go, you love him.” He said and I frowned. “He loves you as well.”

        “I know that.” I said and he paused so that he could look into my eyes. His lavender eyes were unsettling as he glanced into my gray ones. I felt as if he was still all of my thoughts. As if he was looking into the core of my being, and learning all of my secrets. I turned away from him, I couldn’t stand the knot he made me feel in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t like the lump that formed in my throat. There was more to Nero then what meant the eyes. What it was though, well that was anyone guess.

         “There is another you love.” Nero spoke, and I knew he was talking about Ban. Who else could it have been. If not Soji Ban was the only other person I was close to in the this world. I shook my head trying to shake off Nero as I pushed the door to the room the others were in opened.

         Everyone stopped so they could look at me and the strange boy I had brought back with me. Blake eyes fell over him undressing Nero with his eyes before he smiled. Rai looked from Blake to Nero, and back again. I didn’t know what she was thinking but she better stay away from both of them.

        “Bring home more strays.” Fang said and Soji walked over to Nero, and bowed slightly to him.

        “It’s an honor to run into you Nero.” Soji said, Nero took his hand and kissed the back of it.

         “As always the honor is mine.” Nero said then looked over to the woman. His eyes slide over her and to Able. I could see the sneer on his face as his upper lip pulled back. He didn’t like Able, I didn’t know why. It could have been because Able was nothing more then a little worm. Not liking that worm just moved him up higher on my list.

        “What are you doing here?” Soji asked looked at Nero, and moving to sit on the bed beside him.

        “I could ask you the same thing little prince. You are a long way from home, and hanging around demons none the less.”

        “Father knows that I was gone.” Soji said frowning up his face. “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here Nero? More importantly why are you with Zero?” Nero eyes went over to me then back to Soji.

        “I need to speak with your father. Since you all are going my way I decided to hitch a ride.” Yawing he stood up again. “I will be back in the morning then we can hit the road.” Starting to walk out the room he paused and looked at the Sword of Souls that was leaning against the nightstand. Reaching down he picked it up taking it from it’s sheath and looking at the blade. “Why would you need the Sword of Souls?” He asked his eyes going to the woman. She shrank back from his glared. “What is he planning?”

         “Nothing that involves you.” She assured him. He didn’t seem convinced but he turned away from her. He gave the sword a few swings before putting it back. “It’s useless, the demon used it.” She said making him glanced around behind him again. He smiled this half smile. I was sure that smile meant that he was up to something.

         “Well that just won’t do.” He said sighing and wiping the smile off his face. “Oh well good things comes to those who wait.” Nero said bowing towards the room before he left out. I looked at Rai seeing her watching after him. I frowned I had been gone for six months so who knows what that girl been getting herself into.

       “I’m going to go,” Blake said walking to the door. “Sleep well Zero,” Blake winked at me as if I would need any sleep. I looked at Soji then rolled my eyes at Blake.

        “It’s late so we all should get rest. We have a long trip ahead of us.” I said and Able stared me down. I wanted him to say something. I wasn’t quite sure I had my feel yet. If Able said one thing that I didn’t like I would be more then happen to devour him. The others started to filed out the room leaving Soji and me alone. Looking over at him he gave me one of his smiles.

         “I’m kind of hungry.” Soji said.

         “We can get some food. I saw a tavern near by.” I told him. Jumping up he followed me out the room, and down the street. The walk was done in silence with Soji holding on to my hand as we walked. I looked at him and I couldn’t stop seeing that boy in my memory. That helpless kid that found their home, that wandered down into the darkness alone. The kid that found a demon in the cellar. It was me, but it wasn’t possible. How could that demon that Soji found be me? Why haven’t he said anything about it in all the time that we have known each other.

         Coming to the tavern I remember this place from back when I was human. Of course it wasn’t the same pizza joint Blake and I use to hang out in. For two hundred years it must have changed hand time and time again. Didn’t make it any less of a memory to me, any less as a keystone of my childhood. Going inside the place was noisy, there was a group of demon hunters cheering on their victory. Soji and I slipped into the back so that we could get a table.

         The waitress came over taken our orders then disappeared again. We sat at the table in an awkward silence. It had been six months since we last had one on one time. Now it seem like we had nothing to say to each other. I drummed my fingers on the table as Soji looked around. This was so stupid feeling awkward with each other. It felt like some lame first date where no one knew what to say so you just sat. We looked towards each other again and laughed at how lame we were.

         “What’s hell like?” Soji asked me. I licked my lips thinking about what to tell. him.

         “It’s hot,” I said with a laugh.

        “Really, wow Zero I would have never guessed.” He mocked me. I gave a laugh as well and soon we were laughing together. Soji reached out and ran his slim fingers through my hair. “I’ve missed you, I thought about you every night.” Soji said making me laugh again.

        “Only at night,” I teased him watching his cheeks go red. I leaned over pressing my to his cheek deepening the redness in them. Kissing my way down his throat he let a small moan then pushed away from me. “What’s wrong?” I asked rubbing my hand up his inner thigh. His eyes glanced down at my wandering hand.

        “We are in the middle of a tavern.” Soji said and I looked around. We were all the way in the back there was no way that anyone was paying us any attention when there was so much merry making going on. “Zero I can’t,” Soji said as I kissed him. Pressing my lips to his Soji parted his mouth allowing my tongue to enter. Twisting my tongue around his I moved my hand to slip them inside of his pants.

         Feeling him moan in my mouth I tugged on him pulling him from his pants. I moved my hand slowly stroking him as we continued to play tongue tag. Soji’s whole face was red but that didn’t stop the soft moans he was giving me now and then. I moved my other hand down the back of his pants. He gasped when my finger entered biting my lip softly.

        My fingers twisted inside of Soji making him lean over as he gripped the cloth that was on the table. I watched his face as he rested his forehead on the table. His mouth opening and closing in pleasure. I almost forgot how good it felt to touch Soji, nearly forgotten how sweet his voice was when he was softly moaning for me. I moved both of my hands faster making Soji bit down on his lip to hush his cries.

         I felt his warmth of my hand as he shot against the table. His load landed on the underside of the wooden table. It dripped back down only to fall on the knee of Soji’s pants. He leaned back in his chair as I pulled my hands out his pants.

        “I want you,” I whispered in Soji’s ear making him blush again.

         “We can go back to the hotel.” Soji said but I shook my head. The hotel was too far away. I wanted him, and I wanted him now. Standing up I grabbed his hand pulling him behind me as we walked towards the bathroom. I walked into one of the stalls pulling Soji in behind me. Once the door was locked behind us I pushed him against it kissing my way down his throat to his nipple. I spent a moment or two toying with them before I moved back to his sweet lips.

        Pulling away from me Soji turned me around so that my back was against the wall of the stall. Getting down on his knees he unbuckled my belt and allowed my pants to drop to my head. I gasped as his mouth wrapped around me. So wet, and warm It felt amazing around me. I put my hand on top of his head so that I could guild him. Rocking my hips I thrust into Soji’s mouth as I felt the build coming. His tongue was amazing as it twisted around until I felt my release. Soji stayed on me as I released into his mouth. Swallowing the whole load I made him rise back to his feet.

        Kissing him briefly I could taste myself in his mouth. I didn’t mind as I pulled his pants down and turned him around. I rubbed myself against his hole a few times before I shoved inside of him. I smiled at the cry that came from him as I trust in. I moved slowly at first feeling the tightness of him squeezing around me. It was a feeling that I was ashamed that I nearly forgotten. Nothing that felt so perfect should be cast aside. Holding on to his hips I moved faster hearing the pound of our skin hitting.

        Reading down Soji stroked himself as my hand moved up his shirt so I could pinched his nipples. Shoving harder inside of him Soji was moaning louder. Reaching up he covered his own mouth so that we wasn’t heard. Turning him around so that he could face me I lifted one of his legs up so that I could pound him. He pressed his mouth to mine as I rubbed my hand up and down along his loin.

        Soji’s arms were wrapped around my neck as he held me closer to him. It was good, the more I moved my hips the better it felt. I could feel my built, could feel my release on its way. I licked the sweat that was rolling down Soji’s neck making him moan again.

         The door slammed opened, I could hear someone yelling back into the tavern about not touching his drink. I put my hand over Soji’s mouth so that he couldn’t make a sound. Some drunk idiot coming in the bathroom wasn’t going to stop my fun. I still moved myself inside of him watching as his eyes rolled back.

         I could hear the loud pissing of the drunk in the next stall and I stroked Soji faster. He dug his fingers in my shoulder his nails breaking through the skin as we both reached our limits at the same time. Soji exploded onto my shirt as I did the same thing inside of him.  He fell away from me for a moment breathing heavily but still holding on to me. I rubbed my hand over his cheeks giving him the time he needed to catch his breath.

         The toilet flashed in the next stall then we could hear the door slam open and close again. Soji looked at me a disgusted look on his face that made me frown. I ran my fingers through his hair wondering if it wasn’t as good for him as I had thought it was.

         “What’s wrong, does it hurt anywhere?” I asked and he shook his head no. I could feel a worry building inside of my chest. It twisted at the pit of my stomach. I leaned in kissing him again and his tongue have leave to mine twisting around me as we enjoyed each other. “What’s wrong?”

        “He didn’t wash his hands.” Soji said and I looked at him. We just had sex in a bathroom and he was upset that the guy next door didn’t wash his hands. I tossed my head back and laughed at the outlandish statement just made. His face was so serious, he was so cute. I kissed him again moving away so that we could fix our clothes.

         “Come on lets get you home.” I said and Soji rolled his eyes at me. “Make sure you wash your hands.” I teased him as I unlocked the stall so we could leave the bathroom, and head back over to the hotel.

Blood Promise {Bloody Dance Series #2} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now