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                 Stepping from the door, and into the daylight, I was at ground zero. That’s what they called the ruins of the city that the door was in. The whole city was laid to waste years ago; I remember it all over the news when I was human. Demons poured through the gates killing everything in sight. I told Soji, and the others to meet here. I couldn’t see another soul in sight. Not even Blake was here.

     Roaming the city it was clear that I was the only one here. How was that even possible, I could understand Soji, and the others not being here. Where had Blake gone though, why wouldn’t he stick around, and wait for me? My footsteps echoed hollowly as I walked through. I remembered my mother telling us to stay away from this place. She thought that the government would send all the demons back one day. Thought that they would magically get them to only kill the people in this city. So sad that she was so wrong.

     I use to live near here, just a city away. Maybe Blake went there when he came back. Taking out just my wings I took off flying a few miles south. Landing just outside of the city limits. I hadn’t been back to this town since Ban tried to kill my brother. So many things had changed since then. It was a little over a hundred, and fifty years of course things were going to change. I didn’t know where I was going. My feet seemed to move on their own, at first I had no clue where I was going.

    All at once I knew where I was going, it was the only place I could go when I was in this city, like a magnet it drew me to it each time. The house that I grew up in. That I had every birthday until the day I died in. The house that held my mother, father, sister, and brother. So many memories were stored within the walls here. The happy ones, the sad ones, and the life changing ones were all locked away within those four walls.

    I could see some new family inside of it now. Someone who didn’t know the history of this house. Didn’t know that it was my grandfather that built it, that it was my family that owned it. They didn’t care that two hundred years ago someone died in there. No one ever cared about what happened to some place before they were born.

     Reaching out I touched the glass of the window as I watched the scene that was unfolding before me. The family that lived there now seemed happy, they seemed untouched by the evils of the world. They were laughing, and eating just enjoying life. I felt hollow inside as I looked in on them. A while ago this would have stirred something inside of me.  Now I felt nothing at all, they were just strangers in a house.

      “How did I know this was the first place you would come?” A voice said, and I didn’t need to turn around to know that it was Ban talking. I could feel his hands at my waist, but I didn’t react to him. His lips were at my head, and I felt his teeth nip at me. I could feel his hands moving up my shirt, but my eyes were still on the window. Standing there looking at them, being reminded of what Ban had taken from me, remembering the family that I had lost.

    “I would be dust right now.” I said, and I could feel Ban’s tongue tracing my jaw line. I shivered slightly at his touch. “If not for you I would be dead.”

    “You’re welcome.” Ban said, and I frowned; I could have been with my family if not for Ban. I only saw my father in hell. Did that mean that my sister, and mother was in heaven. I wasn’t even sure I believed in heaven. “Surge,” Ban said moving back from me just a bit. “where did you get that sword?”

   “I took it.” I told him, and he gave a soft laugh.

    “Kazuki just let you take his favorite toy.” Ban asked, and I shook my head; I had to fight my way to the top level to get this sword. Kazuki didn’t strike me as the type of person that would just hand over anything. “This is why you are so special Surge. I trained you so well, taking what you want, and not caring who you cross.”

       “Stop calling me that.” I said, and Ban laughed again. I think he calls me Surge just because he knows it annoys me. Turning me around so that I had to face him I could see into those black eyes of his. I cast my gray eyes to the ground, not looking into his eyes. He grabbed my chin between his thumb, and index finger making me raise my head.

       “I believe I promised you some alone time.” Ban said pressing his lips to mine. I could feel his tongue darting around inside of my mouth. Could feel his fingers knot in my hair. ‘Closer,’ a voice whispered inside of my mind. I frowned when I could feel it; something slithering inside of me. It was in my head moving around, I knew what this was. The worm that I isolated inside of my mind. The part of Kenji that had entered my head. ‘Ban, move closer to Ban.’ I could hear Kenji’s  voice in my head. Could feel myself moving closer to Ban against my own free will.

    Pulling away I tried to clear my head, tried to push the part of my brain that held Kenji away. Once I was sure that snake was locked away again I turned my attention back to Ban. “Shall we make new memories inside of your old home.” Ban asked, and I could feel the rumble inside of my belly, knew that it had been a whole six months since I took my last meal. I wanted to eat, but killing the family inside of this house. If I did that then I would be no better then Ban. I couldn’t do that to them, I couldn’t come into their home, and rip their family apart. I couldn’t bring more painful memories to my home. The walls of that house was already leaking with blood. I couldn’t add to it.

    “Let’s go somewhere else.” I said, and Ban smiled as he turned away and started to walk. I looked into the window, watching the family that was laughing as they ate their breakfast. I could see my family sitting in front of this window. Making fun of each other over a meal, my sister getting angry with me for calling her fat. Aayden laughing, and choking on his food at my joke. Father ignoring us as he read over his paper while, mother with a disgusted look on her face because in her words she was ‘rising animals’. You never know how good you have it until it's gone. I didn’t understand what that saying meant until I lost everything.

     Going to a hotel room Ban sat down in one of the chairs as I walked over to him sitting down on his lap. My tongue twisted around his as I moaned into his mouth. I pressed my bulge against Ban chest, and I could see him smiling. It was always silly to me how someone could get so excited over a little kissing. Then again it’s been six months since I touched someone, since someone touched me. Of course I was excited already I wanted Ban, I wanted Soji, I just wanted sex right now.

     Frowning at my own thoughts there was no way that I was going to let Ban get what he wanted. No way that I was going to be so needy I went to the first person willing to fuck me. Shaking my head I stood up, and started to walk away from him. I was almost to the door when my body was slammed against the wall my face hitting it, and I cringed in pain.

     “I always knew that you were going to make me take what I wanted.” Ban hissed in my ear. Shoving his mouth to mine he titled his head to the side so that he could enjoy the feel of our tongues twisting around each other. Reaching down Ban slipped my pants down past my hips allowing them to fall to the floor. He pulled back long enough to shove two of his fingers into my mouth. Once his fingers were coated Ban licked at the saliva that rolled down my chin. At the same time he reached behind me rubbing my hole with his coated fingers. I  gasped with anticipation as Ban pressed against me but didn’t enter.

     At last he roughly shoved his two fingers inside of me. I gasped as I squeezed around Ban’s fingers. Moving his fingers in and out I grabbed his shirt moaning as I enjoyed the way that his fingers felt inside of me.  Then finally he pulled his fingers out, and gave me what I really wanted. I gasped as he shoved inside of me. It was rough since he didn’t have any oil, but with Ban the pain was the pleasure as well.  After a few more thrust it became smoother as he moved in and out of me. Again, and again I moaned as Ban slammed into me. Getting overheated Ban pulled his shirt from over his head. With both of us panting he gave me a hard slap on the ass causing me to moan louder.

   Wanting to have even more control still contacted Ban tossed me to the floor on my knees as he kneeled behind me. He grabbed my shirt balling the fabric in his hand as he used it to move in, and out of me. Giving up trying to hold my upper half up I let my shoulders hit the floor as I started to wank myself.

    “More, more, more. Harder, harder, harder. Mmmm move faster Ban.” I tried to order me around so he stopped moving. I could feel the snake slithering again, but I didn’t have time for that right now my mind was to wrap up in Ban at the moment. All I knew was that I wanted Ban.  “What are you doing?” I yelled at him.
      “You want to feel it move your ass.” Ban told me, and I growled at him right before I started to move back. He allowed me to do that for a while, but then I wasn’t moving fast enough for him. He grabbed my waist pumping into me harder, and fast just like I wanted, just like I needed. I wanted him. Stroking myself faster I could feel the build then moaned as I exploded onto the floor. Ban seem encouraged by that moving even faster then at least I could feel him release inside of me.

     “I needed that.” I said as I fell away from him.

    “Who said I was done.” Ban countered, and I gasped as he entered me yet again.

Blood Promise {Bloody Dance Series #2} BoyxBoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora