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     Looking at Blake my eyes seen, but my brain wasn’t understand what I was seeing. The last time I saw Blake I was running from the blue eyed demon, and he was nowhere in sight. He looked the same as he did the last time I saw him. He wasn’t a soul either. He was a demon, an S class demon. This was my friend, my very best friend that I forgotten until my human memories came back. The friend that I had got in trouble with nearly every day of my junior high, and high school life. Before today even if Mother Fate told me I never would have believed I would see Blake again.

     As I said he looked the same as the last time, tanned, slightly built, short brown hair with deep brown eyes. He was still taller then me so I had to look up to see into those eyes that had a way of looking through me. This was Blake, he was a demon though. I shook my head trying to wrap my mind around it all. How, it was the only word that made sense in my mind. How was Blake a demon?

    “What happened to you?” I breathed out, and he gave me his same goofy smiled as he rubbed the back of his head.

    “Well that day in the alley, after I told you to run,” I nodded remembering that day in perfect detail. “well I ran too, but the demon grabbed me. He tossed my ass like a rag doll against the wall, and stabbed me in the gut before he went after you.” Blake eyes looked away from me as if he was remembering the pain of it all. I pity that look of loss, and grief in his eyes. I knew that it was the same look I had when I thought of the last day I was human. “I was dying, I had no hope to leave so I started to smoke. Then this guy came. I swear to you Zero I thought he was the angel of death come to take me to the next life. He was just standing there looking at me. He was so tall, taller than even me. He was handsome too, a dangerous kind of sexy. His eyes were as black as a winter’s night sky. His hair was like blood flowing down his back.”

    “Ban,” I whispered his name, and Blake glanced at me again then nodded his head.

     “Lord Ban stood before me. He...he told me I was dying. Said that there was a way for me to live forever. That if I gained power I could save you. He wanted me to save you, he even said your name. ‘Do you want the power to save Natsu?’ Those were his words to me. I couldn’t even speak I just knew that I wanted it, I needed to save you Zero, no way was I letting some demon make dinner out you. So I nodded, I told him to give me that power. He wanted something in return for it though.” He rubbed his hands over his face, and looked at me again. Making deals with Ban was a bad idea. Blake should have known better then to make a deal with the devil. “You know me Zero; I never had much to my name then again it wasn’t money that Lord Ban wanted. I gave him my soul, and he gave me the power to save you. Though I failed, and and was sent here for it.”

       He laughed weakly as he recalled his memories. Only Blake could laugh at his own failures. “Djuda was a B class back then, and I was a lesser demon. I didn’t stand a chance against him. I pretty much accepted that this was my life. Down on level one I wander around aimlessly until I heard a rumor. It was about a boy demon with no name, some said he called himself Zero. I didn’t know if it was true or not, but I knew I wanted to see the Boy Demon. So I needed to get to the top. Needed to get topside again, I started to fight, to kill everything that stood in my way as I made it to the upper levels. The more demons I killed the stronger I became. The stronger I got the more power I gained. With power comes rank, next think I know I’m an S class demon standing outside of the door to the last level.”

     “Why didn’t you go through the door? Why didn’t you make it there?” I asked, and he ran his fingers through his hair.

     “I heard that the Boy Demon was in hell. I knew that if he really was you there was no way you were staying down under. I knew that you would have to come to this level if you wanted to get out. So I waited for you. For the last three months I’ve been waiting for you.” He reached out and touched the side of my face. “You’ve changed so much Zero, I can see it in your eyes. You’re much harder now. How did it happen, how did you change?”

     “The next day, he...he killed them all. Mother, father, my sister, and me he killed us all. Ban came into our house, he...he took everything from me. I bit him, thats how I became a demon. His blood changed me, made me what I am today.” My eyes were cast to the ground as I spoke. I could still feel Blake’s hand on my cheek, could feel him moving closer to me.

     “That day in the alley Zero, I...” Blake started, and I frowned grabbing his hand moving it away from my face.

      That day, of course I remembered that day as well. It was burned into my mind. In that alley with the blue eyed demon looking down on me I thought I was done for. I thought that I was never going to make it home. Never see Blake or my family again. He lifted me off the ground by my throat.

      My feet dangled in the air as he held me, I could feel the life draining from me. Could feel the energy draining from my body. I pulled at the hand that was around my neck, but it was pointless. I was too weak to do anything. He moved me slightly back before he slammed me into the wall again. I could hear something crack, there was a white hot pain in my head. Darkness was closing in on me.

     Something slammed into the blue eyed demon. Something attacked him, was on his back biting into his neck. Something not even that big was beating him. I watched through hazy vision as the blue eyed demon tossed the other thing, the other demon off of him. They started going down the alley, and out of my view. I sat against the wall bleeding out. I could feel the warmth of my blood running down from my head.

       I heard footsteps coming towards me. Bring up my eyes all I could see was darkness. I felt something, a hand touch the wound on my head.

      “Are you God?” I asked, and I heard a soft laughter.

      “I’m the opposite of God Natsu,” the voice knew my name so it had to be something. I could feel myself slipping, and I was lifted from the spot I was in. The opposite of God was carrying me, but when I looked up all I could see was two pools of endless darkness.

      “I...Blake...” I whispered before I had nothing else, before the darkness took me.

      “That day was two hundred years ago.” I reminded him, I had enough to worry about with Ban, and Soji; no way I was adding the headache of Blake to that drama. “So how are we going to get out of here?” I asked, and Blake moved away from me with a frown on his face as his hands grew as long as knives. He moved his fingers together making that annoying sound of steel rubbing against each other.

     “Oh you know, slaughter a few thousand, get to the door, see sunlight again. Just the normal Tuesday.” Blake said, and I looked over at him seeing if he was serious, he cracked a smile, and I couldn’t help, but smile back. Just a normal Tuesday huh, I knew there was a reason I hung around Blake in my youth. Even when we were knee deep in shit he made a joke then back to back we kicked ass until we were out of whatever dumb situation we had managed to get ourselves in. Reaching to my back I pulled out the sword I just acquired.

    “After you.” I said, and he started to walk ahead of me. There were demons  breaking off as they saw us making our way to the door. One after another it seem as if they surround us as we stood back to back. Blake with his nails; me, and my sword. “So how many you think we can kill?” I asked shifting into my demon form.

       “We should cut a path to the door. It will be the only chance I have. Once we reach the arch there is no fighting, we will be able to focus on opening the door without worry.” Blake filled me in, and I nodded. Shifting as well Blake’s demon form had four horns on the top of his head. His hair turned from brown to a ice blue, his eyes were glowing red. He had two fangs that hung from his mouth like a saber tooth tiger, a long black tail wrapped out than coiled around his waist.

    They all started to come at us fangs, and claws at the ready. “What do you say Zero, first one to hundred wins.” Blake said, and I glanced behind me at Blake before I turned around again.

   “What do I get when I win?” I said with a smile not in the least worried about the demons coming for us.

    “You mean if you win.” Blake said, and the first wave reached us. Kicking the closest one to me the black flame wrapped around my sword yet again as I sliced into another. Keeping my back to Blake’s I sliced, and diced through another five. Looking to see how my friend was doing he used his nail, his teeth, even his tail as a weapon. His tail would stab through the demons that were out of arm’s reach. Nails cut into the ones that got close enough, and of course there was his teeth as he ripped into the throats of the unlucky demons.

     Once the first wave was done we broke apart making a mad dash to the arch. I was in front my newly gained sword held tightly in my hand as I carved a path to our destination. The ones that got by me had to answer to Blake. I could see the glow of the arch, and pushed harder. There was no way I was spending one more moment in this place. No way I was going to be trapped in hell. Making the final assault I sliced through the last three demons in my way. I passed through the arch and turned around when I didn’t see Blake.

    “BLAKE!” I yelled my eyes scanning the crowd until I spotted him surrounded by demons.  “BLAKE!” I yelled, and tried to join him again, but something was blocking my path. I banged against the invisible barrier that was blocking me in. “BLAKE!” I yelled yet again. Then I could see something glowing. It was blue, and bright and all the demons around Blake started to back away. His whole body was glowing blue. I could see a stone pillar where Blake was, maybe Blake was the stone. I watched as it crept across the floor, and I watched as the other demons started to turn then flee. Every demon that the stone touch was petrified. I watched as every demon on the level was frozen in stone then the blue glow faded, and Blake was there.

     Cooly he walked over to the arch, and I backed away as he came through back in his human form. He poked a thumb back to the other area, and had that Blake like smile on his face.

    “Safe to say I win huh.” He said, and I rolled my eyes walking deeper in the cave we just entered. I could see the golden glow deeper inside, walking towards it I came to the doors. There were two huge double doors one gold, and the other silver. There was two faces, one on both sides of the door. There were no handles or knobs to turn, and open so that you could be let out. Blake reached out to touch the door, but I slapped his hand away.

    The energy around the door was one I’ve felt before. It felt the way Soji feels when he praying, or casting. It was pure energy around the door, and energy like that would kill a demon. At the same time it had a beautiful golden glow to it. One that was appealing to the eyes, it was warm and welcoming. It was in every way luring making you want to reach out, making you want to touch it.

    “Speak,” the golden side of the door spoke. “Listen,” the silver said joined in.

    “So do we speak or listen?” Blake asked, and I shrugged. Reaching up I touched the ring that was around my neck. Ban said that it would help me get out of hell. I wasn’t sure how it was going to help me, but it was with a shot.

    “Blake,” the golden face said looking at Blake. “Zero,” the silver said calling to me; it’s eyes falling on me. “What belongs to you that other use more than you?” The golden door ask, and Blake looked at me. A ‘what the fuck’ look on his face.

   “Luck,” I told my friend with a laugh.

   “I go in hard, come out soft, you can blow me, what am I?” The silver door said frowning. I thought hard about what the answer could have been. My strengths didn’t lie in answering riddles, even when I was younger and told them for kicks I always failed.  

   “Your name.” Blake yelled snapping his fingers as he guessed. There was a hum in the golden side of the door, and it slide open. Blake looked at me, and I nodded. “See you on the other side.” He said taking in a breath, and walking through the door. I looked at the silver door taking in a deep breath.

   “You’re a dick.” I answered, and the golden door slammed shut. The silver door started to hum, it got louder, and louder until it was an ear splitting sound that threaten to make my ears bleed. I covered them with my hands, but that did little to ease the pain that I was feeling inside of my head.

   “Wrong,” the silver door hissed out at me, and the gold of the doors started to become brighter. It was as if I was looking into the sun, the light of it was blinding. At the same time it was burning as well. I could feel the same pain I felt the time I touched Soji when he was glowing. I needed to get out of the cave. The door was purifying the whole place, I reached up when I felt a burning at my neck. The ring around my neck was glowing the same gold as the door. I yanked the cord off from my neck looking at the ring. The red stone inside of it started to glow bright, and it was as if the ring was sucking in all of the energy.

    Ban’s words were coming back to me telling me that the ring was more than just a key. It had powers, it was why Kazuki backed away from it. I tried to put the ring on my finger but it was too big. Even Ban worn it around his neck. I wasn’t sure how I was suppose to use it, but I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to join Blake, wanted to be topside.

    “The ring,” the golden door spoke. “The crown,” the silver door joined in. The noise from the doors stopped the intense glow that was coming off of it was gone. I looked wondering if that was it did they just need to see the ring to work. “You answered the riddle wrong,” the golden door said. “The ring will grant you a free pass. Only this time.” The silver door warned me before it opened. I could feel the sun on the other side as I walked closer to it. Could see the blinding glow of topside. I could hear the soft breeze, I could smell the grass. It seem like a lifetime ago that I was dragged down to hell, but I was free at last.

Blood Promise {Bloody Dance Series #2} BoyxBoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora