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Your POV:

"Noona, be careful!"
"I will be. I'm not a klutz you know," i rolled my eyes at Minho, my brother and grabbed my bag.
"You were dumb enough to get hit by a car while you were walking...," he said matter of factly and i raised a fist at him.
He started laughing and I stormed out.
"Your bandage makes you look like a hurt puppy when you're angry!!," he laughed and called as I walked towards school.
I made a rude gesture and ran off.

Well everyone at home was satisfied with the hit and run story. Although it made me wonder what idiots i lived with.

But then i thanked God for blessing me with such idiots.

I just hope Yoona is as stupid as them.

I spotted Yoona waiting at our usual spot by the front gate.
"Morning," I said with a smile.
"Aigoo~ your bandage didn't come off yet?"
"well it will today. How are you? Missed me? What's new?" I bombarded her with questions not only so her attention wasnt on me but also because i really wanted to know. 3 days in the hospital and it felt like i was cut off from the world.

"Calm down, tiger," she laughed. Then took a breath and jumped into telling me everything that happened, only stopping to catch her breath.

"BTS are going to perform tonight though," she said, totally excited.

What? Why? The promotion period was over... I'll have to go back to work again aaahhhhh!

It wasn't like i was being ungrateful... it's just that i didn't know how to go inyo work like nothing happened when it did. No, not the incident. The fact i was jungkooks friend made me feel giddy in his presence. Even more than before.

"W-why are they performing? I mean their promotions are over."
She looked scandalized. "Are you complaining?"

"No! Just curious why they would perform out of nowhere.."
"Well they're showing antis that they aren't scared of them. So this performance is to show them that BTS arent scared."

Well that made sense.

As we were walking towards the classroom, my heart skipped a beat when jungkook walked past us and if i wasn't mistaken, he'd smiled at me.

"Did you see that?!," Yoona was practically screaming in my ear.
"See what?"
"Jungkook smiled at me!!!"

Aw, she is an idiot. But i love her anyway.

"What? No, I didn't..."

By lunch break, half the school heard about jungkook smiling at yoona and it got me thinking how drastically my life would change if anyone at school knew jungkook was friendly with me.

The thought made me squirm.

I have to talk to him. This isn't good for his image either.


As i waited for my turn at the doctor's, i was startled to see jungkook there.

"Hey." He smiled at me.
"H-hi," I stammered. Crap.
"You're gonna get the bandage off now, right?"
I nodded.

There was an awkward silence for a while and then i remembered i had to talk to him. It had seemed so much easier in my mind..

I looked at him. And blushed. Bad start, y/n, bad start.

Okay, he's younger than you. What are you so nervous about? Just say it and he'll understand. It's not like he's an idiot like yourself.

Great pep talk.

"Um.. Jungkook-shi..?"

Aish, Jungkook-shi? Really? Ugh.

He looked at me with an amused expression.

"I'm sure you must have heard the rumors about you smiling at...er..," i trailed off, not wanting to name Yoona.

"....yoona?," he completed my sentence to my horror.

I quickly jumped to defend her. "You know how people spread useless things like fire. It wasnt her fault..."

It was. But I'd appreciate if he didn't think that.

He just smiled at me and i looked at my hands in my lap, a little flustered.

"You know," he began. "I was smiling at you, though."

And there were fireworks everywhere. Even in my face.

I gulped.

"And you know that, too," he chuckled.

Hydrogen bombs bursting all over the place.

But I caught hold of myself. He's your friend. He'll understand. Don't get sidetracked, bitch. Talk.

"I.. Don't think that's good for your image, though." I quickly went into detail when i saw him frown. "I mean you weren't smiling at yoona so they can't really pin it on you... but if they caught wind of us being friends... nasty rumors will stem and will be harsher because well.. we know each other..."

"As friends," he said as if specifying what we are, to me.

I nodded. "But that won't stop them tarnishing your repute, will it?"

He thought for a while. "Are you suggesting we pretend we dont know each other at school?"

Finally. Someone who's not a total idiot.

I nodded again.

"Alright. You have a point... but you have to hang out with me after work then. You on for a round of tekken?," he smiled goofily at me.

Aigoo, this child~ if i could just squish him..

"Sure, kiddo~," the words were out before i could stop myself.

His eyes grew wide and he was about to say something when the nurse told me it was my turn.

Jungkook's POV:

"Sure, kiddo~," she said as she smiled at me affectionately.

I don't know why, but it stung. She saw me as a kid? I knew she said she liked older guys... but i wasn't even a man to her?

No that can't be right.. she always blushed around me.. but she blushed at about anything. Aaahhhh she's so cute!

I felt a little angry. Didn't know why, but I did. I didn't want her to think of me as a kid.

No i didn't want her to think of me as an oppa... but definitely not as a dongsaeng.

The thought made my insides revolt.

I had to change her mind about me. I had to make her see me as a man. I just had to.

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