Just wondering...

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Lol imma delete this soon but I was wondering if I write a Jimin fanfic, would you guys read it?

Where you're a badly treated daughter of a chaebol and always cast aside because of your step mom and don't find love elsewhere because everyone just wants your money.

Even Jimin.

Jimin is a rich entrepreneur himself but when business takes a decline, he is forced to marry you... for your assets.

Things get serious when both of you love different people but have no choice but to marry each other.

Or the fact that Jimin has a very bad temper... just like your father. And can be so cruel at times, he could make you wish you were dead.

But when he softens?
Is it happily ever after?
Will Jimin see your scars? Heal them?

What if there is something you don't know?

And what if it makes your world crash and burn?

Okay lol that's the premise and absolutely can't even hint at the plot twist because... well it's a plot twist.

So? Do you think it's worth your time?


Or nay?

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