Final - 38

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Your POV:

I stared at Jungkook as he looked into my eyes. The weight of his words hung in the air.

My throat went dry and constricted with emotion. My mind was barely registering the depth of his words to realize I needed to say it back.

I should speak something, anything at all. Just open your mouth! Move. Why won't my body move?

I was frozen in that moment as those three words kept repeating on and on in my head.

Finally, I opened my mouth...

...and my mom knocked on the door. "Y/n! Wake up! You'll be late for school! Open the door!"

And suddenly I was brought back to Earth. "Jungkook!! You have to hide," I whispered frantically.
He looked disappointed but he got up, quickly got into his clothes and went to the window. Before he went out, he looked at me and said, "You dont have to say it if you don't meant it, y/n."

And he was gone.

I fell back on my pillow and shut my eyes hard.

It happened too fast.. that moment came and went too fast.

Of course I loved him!

I just couldn't comprehend the novelty of the fact he loved me back. Although I was sure I couldn't live without him, I still couldn't bring myself to believe he saw me anything above an ordinary fan... I froze.

I needed to tell him before his heart broke any further.


"Who are you looking for?," Yoona asked.


"You've been anxiously looking around for a while now. Did you hear a word I have said?," she looked at me suspiciously.


"Uh.. you were talking about BTS," I said lamely because that's what we talked about always anyway. I felt stupid because it wasn't a very good answer.

"Yeah, well, what did yours say?," and she bought it. Sometimes I really questioned if my best friend was this gullible or just plain... dumb.

"Mine what?"

"The photobook? What did they write in yours?," she asked excitedly.

"Oh, that. Honestly I haven't had the time to check it yet," I told her honestly. "I'll tell you today when I open iti," I smiled.

"What? You STILL haven't read them? That's so unlike you," she raised an eyebrow.
"Well I just couldn't...," my voice trailed as my eyes wandered to find Jungkook's again.

"Seriously, who are you searching?"
"No one, let's go get some lunch."

When I didn't see Jungkook in the cafeteria, I was sure he had skipped school and my heart was about to burst from the pain of thinking HE was hurting, believing I didn't love him back...

So I texted him.

Where are you? Are you okay?

But he did not reply. I spent the rest of the day staring at my phone but he never replied, and my anxiety mounted. By the end of the day, I texted him several times, each one more desperate than the previous one.

When the bell rang, I ran for it, without even properly saying goodbye to Yoona. I couldn't stay another moment without exploding with all the feelings.

Now in the confines of my room, I started to cry. I did not know how to tell him he was mistaken...

...and I saw the photobook.

I skipped to the autograph he gave me, making a mental note to read the rest later.

New tears formed in my eyes as I read it:

"For my ducky,

Keep this one safe and don't sleep with it, now that you have me ;)

I hope I'm next to you in all of your coming birthdays.

사랑해요 🖤 (saranghaeyo = I love you)

Jungfreakingkook :P"

A hot tear fell on the ":P", smudging it and I pulled my phone out, dialing his number.

It was my first time actually calling him.

It went straight to voice mail.

"Meet me in the BigHit building. I'll wait until you come," I said with an astonishingly strong voice.


I sat in the hallway, waiting for him.

It had been 2 hours...

But I sat there, adamant.


And there he was.

He walked up to me as I tried getting on my feet. Crap, they had gone numb.

"I thought you would have gone by now," he said, pulling me to my feet.

I smiled, "And you still came."

He smiled ruefully. "And I still came."

"You could have replied, you know. I have a lot to say to you."
He sighed. "Look I'm sorry if you feel pressured because I said it-," but he was cut off by my lips crashing onto his.

He was clearly taken aback. But he soon responded with the same passion.

Breathless, and blushing, I began, "The only reason I reacted that way was that I couldn't believe you loved me... back. I always thought you'd like me and that's that. But over time, I fell in love with you and in my mind I was still this fangirl to you so I..," by then my eyes were leaking and I was sure I looked ugly enough for him to take back his I love you.

"The point is, I have loved you for a long time now and I'm sorry I couldn't show it properly."

I looked up at him finally to see his soft expression mixed with eyes full of love. He took my face in his hands and wiped my tears. Then kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much," he said as he hugged me.
"I love you more," I said against his chest.

"You can show me now, though."

I looked up at him. "Show you what?"

"How much you love me," he said, looking me dead in the eyes.

And for the first time in my life, I felt brave enough to look at him as I placed my hand on his cheek. Then lowered my eyes to his plump lips and moved closer. Standing on my tiptoes, I kissed him, full on the mouth.

His arms, already around me, tightened and he kissed me back. Then, they slid to my rear and back of my thighs... and he crouched down a little, still kissing me, and lifted me up.

I screamed a little and my legs wrapped around his waist automatically.

Oh that's what he was doing..!

He backed me up a little so my back leaned against the wall and he deepened the kiss.

It was easier kissing him with my legs wrapped around his waist because otherwise I was too short...

...but none of that mattered because right in the moment, I was kissing Jungkook.

And if I had known it was our last kiss, I'd have kissed him longer.

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By the way, do I make a book 2? Because this could take more than 20 chapters as a loooooot has to happen next. Hmm?

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