Chapter 5/Release the goat

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A/N I thought I would just point out we are not holding you to ransom over votes or anything. It's entirely up to you. Honestly. Really. Believe me, we are not the North Korean cyber attack force or bored Russian teenagers. Reb made me write this.( RK ). 

Robot and mistress started running towards an alleyway. The robot held its arms and used it's skinny body as best it could to protect her. Shots hit the wall behind them. They ran past a car in the alleyway. 

"Jump out of the orbital ring she says," said the robot running after  "re-enter the earth's atmosphere and then grab me after I jump out of the building she says. Look at me. I'm all scorched. You know how difficult it is to get scorch marks out?" 

"Open the trunk. Release the goat" said the girl as she slapped a car's trunk as she ran past. As they turned the corner. The trunk opened to reveal a girl called Kisria Sakang a neo-natzi who had been freshly drugged, dressed in urban skin tight digital camouflage and left locked in the boot of a car. You would think as a terrorist known to the security services, she might have been able to escape but resistance to 'chemical' capture wasn't yet part of her group's training, even if killing and torture were. Kisria got out and blinked. She was about the same height as the assassin now running into the distance.

She looked up and noticed the observation platform now crashing into the building below. It appeared to fall quite elegantly and in slow motion. Glass now rained on the fleeing crowds. The parade of balloon animals now started to pop and either rip open or float off.

Kisria's face looked up in shock. Her face was covered but her black spot near her lip was obvious enough. She looked at the empty e-gun in her hand. She didn't have much time to decide where she was, who had stuffed her in the boot all day and why she was dressed like a living screen pixel error before she was spotted by the police. They rushed around the corner in hot pursuit. Kisria was the kind of neo-natzi who was taught to never back down and never surrender, especially to the enemy. If she had managed to approach them hands up and not shouting endless abuse she might have found her self NOT being shot several times by the panicking human security. However, she did and so she was.

As planned they mistook her for the real assassin. This was assassination 101 - always offer a scapegoat, a 'goat' in the assassin parlance. Generally, the police in hot pursuit shoot first and covered up later. This way everyone was a winner. The assassin gets away. The police 'get their man' which made up for the loss of the target. Justice was served. Lessons will be learned. Everyone is happy. Except for the previously mentioned goat and the target naturally. The best goat would have done the assassination if they could anyway so the actually deserved it.

Kisria's last words were either 'what the fuck is going on' or 'hail hydra', police reports were mixed. As expected both security and police stopped following the assassin. There was one assailant, one was killed. Game over. Time to go back to base, get a few beers and possibly level up. The street grunts could go back and look for accomplices and the other boring stuff.  The job was done and if anyone said anything different they were a conspiracy theorist.

At this point, the real assassin had reached a powerful electric motorbike. She pulled a jacket and motor bike helmet on. She pulled a cosmetic chin off including the fake beauty spot like the now dead Kisria's. She handed the chin to the robot.

"That's my Hannibal Smith impression over," she said.

Soon she was zipping away on two wheels with the robot as a pillion rider. On her helmet screen news flashed up of the president nearly being killed by Kisria Sakang a neo-natzi. A passerby Oratara was killed getting in the way of the assassin. The new empire tower had partly collapsed and was currently being evacuated.

"YES YES KILL 17 HERE WE COME!" The girl nearly sang celebrating while driving to the nearest space-elevator port.


They reached the space elevator drove the bike into a parking space. The girl got off lifting her leg high like a ballerina. While she stood taking her helmet off the, robot used a cloth to remove any traces of her DNA from the bike.

"That was fun, " said the girl pleased as cat with cream.

"Yes Madam." Said the robot sourly. "I will point out Madam nearly died." He went to the car parked next to them pulled out a self-steering suitcase and a change of jackets. The girl pulled off her helmet and replaced it with a new wig the robot casually handed her.

"Well I said it was fun didn't I?" Said the girl putting a pair of reading glasses on.

"Hmmm" the robot said disapprovingly. "Next time you say. I'll jump out of a building and you rendezvous with me and grab me mid-air with a parachute, remind me to say no. Passport"

The girl accepted the card.

"Sometimes you're no fun." said the girl. "Anyway, I was right. I said it was just a matter of good timing."

"Madam everything is a matter of good timing." Said the robot looking at its hand as it passed things to her. " Tourist paper map.  Passport under the name of Esmerelda Manks. Your space Elevator ticket. Your Stargate ticket departure in three hours.  Space Elevator  Gates close in twenty minutes. oh and a memory stick for some reason. "

The girl looked up and did a double take her eyes expanded.

"Look the Goodyear blimp," she said looking up and out into the sky.

The robot looked up where she was gazing "so near a space elevator madam shurly...".

The girl pushed the rear of his head forward and in a practised way pulled one memory stick out and replaced it with another. She flipped his head shut and waited for a second. The robot rebooted. 

"Sorry Jeeves," said the girl while the machine rebooted  "I work alone." 

While the robot rebooted so she pushed the samurai sword into a compartment on his back. The second rule of a good assassination is No witnesses, not even your friends. Within seconds the machine came to.

"As I was saying. So many drinks and you .." The Machine looked around "oh madam"

"What's wrong," said the girl.

"I've just lost hours. My whole log file is blank I can't remember a thing" said the machine.

"AGAIN? Don't' worry. You didn't lose much, just delays on the way to the spaceport. Come on gates shut to the elevator in twenty minutes" said the girl palming the other memory stick away. 

"Yes, Madam. I'm sorry it's been such an uneventful trip." Said the robot as it followed the suitcase which followed his owner. "By the way miss. Why am I warm? Why do I have scorch marks?"

The girl paused for a second "Errr.. You made a flambe for my last night on earth" she said naturally. 

The machine stood up "ooooh that explains it. Very good miss" said the robot innocently.

The bike went into self-driving mode and sped off to return to its owner who didn't even know it had been hacked, stolen then returned. The girl strutted to the gates of the Kennedy spaceport. 

A.N That's the end of the opening scene. What do you think? More importantly, we haven't settled on a name for our central character yet. Reb likes Zoe and RK likes Vixen. Please leave a suggestion or something. below. 

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