Chapter 6/Dark Orbits

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Photo super hot earth. ( That is Earth or stony planet which is super hot. Now what happens if the earth heats up) 

The temple of Death ( Habitat  orbiting  HAT-P-7b or Barbage the fire planet a super hot earth ) 

Its name went back beyond where the veil of memory could not be lifted. What was worse was that no one was quite sure how to say it. You had The Dark Orbits or Dark Orbits, Or the Dark Orbits or Dark Orbit. Some called it the 'bureau' or 'the assassination bureau' even 'the temple' simply to avoid this very problem. Very few knew it's real name. It kept its self hidden in the shadows a creature of the darknet. Yet here it was, Dark Orbits getting ready for the monthly meeting called the duodecad, in it's Temple of Death.

The bureau member called Mr Carrington or apostle eighteenth stood looking down on the planet, from the safety of the temple of death

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The bureau member called Mr Carrington or apostle eighteenth stood looking down on the planet, from the safety of the temple of death. Apostle eighteen silently gathering his thoughts before the grand meeting of the council. This was his 59'th meeting. As always the high council would meet and divide up the month's contracts. The bureau originally met and divided contracts fairly between themselves. This way no two assassins would find themselves wasting time killing the same guy. Open contracts were almost a thing of the past, unless they organised them as entertainment. In these enlightened days dog assassins would do the work and give back about 50% of the contract value to the bureau. If an assassin gave 80% of the contract value to a bureau they could, after 18 kills, get a seat on the council. At this point you could sit back and enjoy the money, or pick the simple jobs for your self and get 90% of the value.

The twelfth apostle approached and looked at the eighteenth. His face was covered but he had a large cut on his upper lip.

"Have you heard Ortograra's kill is confirmed. It was a messy job. Yet the vixen is one confirmed kill away from eligibility to the council it's self. If she has a contract soon she might just match your rapid advance eighteen."

They weren't forbidden to talk but there was something about the building which made people feel like they should whisper.

"You should be pleased." Said apostle eighteenth.

The Twelfth apostle paused. "I would be except for a few things."

Eighteen looked down on the Twelfth apostle "You don't like the fact she's a woman."

"No. Not really. I know three would rather die. It's the Vixen her self which is unsuitable. She's just not council material."

A loud low bell sounded to show it was time for the council to meet up. They began to walk slowly to the council meeting at the heart of the temple. As they did other council members approached.

"she scored off the chart on The Myers-Briggs test." Said eighteen - he over the saw the academy and knew all those who survived the training.

Five walked with his hands behind his back and glanced over "She can kill, but there is more to being an assassin than killing people."

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