VI ; 六

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she calmed her body with a slight relaxation filling her mind before putting her pink adidas to work.

class was soon over.
done with.

unlike recently he left without a second thought.
and so she took his place. she unpacked
her glossy computer and plugged in her
phone cord, transferring the video.

she put the pieces of her puzzle together and moved her feet until her hand tricked up her body to her neck only to meet the other. she had finished

teaching herself with only a few more movements.
the english phrase,"yeah it's evil" coming
out of the speaker in a honey like voice.

no matter how much she searched for the song
across media no results were found.

after six hours of dedication in one's
dance that didn't belong to her, she pondered if she could ever dance along his side. but her steps didn't glow as his. she did not light up the room with such passion like he did.

so she took her dull steps and left.

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