2☽ Miss Liar

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Monica and I hurried out of my bedroom and kept exchanging looks with each other as we ran down the stairs. Why this reaction? Davina, Monica and I have a girl code which consists of many innocent words that mean the total opposite of what they actually really mean.

For example, just now Davina shouted this: "Missy someone's here to see you!" Now the word 'Missy' in our vocabulary means 'We have a problem' this lets us be sneaky and not notify the root of the problem that we're onto them.

Tip very well learnt from Mr Ryder Levi Lunette himself.

As we reached the last steps, we turned our head to the right to see a very- oh my gosh.

I looked over at Monica and she couldn't stop drooling so I nudged her, "Save it for later." I whispered, heading towards the tall and approximately 6ft tall young man all dressed up in a professional black businessman suit with a red tie and God-given looks.

I entered the living room with Monica steadily following right behind me. The mysterious man's gaze shifted to me and Davina flashed her pearly white smile which also added into the girl code that consisted of body languages. Davina's fake smile insisted that one of us is in deep shit and by the looks of it, it's most definitely me because the man who looks to be in his late 20's pulled out an FBI badge and kept his eyes locked on me. "FBI, Agent Martinez. I'm here to question you about the murder of Ace Lawford." He stated with a straight face.

I made sure not to let out a single change in facial expression or body language and simply nodded, "Sure why not. Please, take a seat." I insisted politely.

Agent Martinez shook his head, "It's fine thanks but I'll make it quick, my people need me somewhere else in 10 minutes so I'll only be taking a couple of minutes. I'd like to speak to you alone though." He said whilst looking between Davina and Monica.

I glanced at my best friends and gave them a small and humble smile, "It's okay. It'll be quick, just wait out." I said and they listened, respectfully walking right out of the door and closing it behind them.

I nervously watched Agent Martinez walk towards me but I made sure not to show that I was nervous because that could potentially give it all away.

Martinez sighed, "So Miss Lunette, I'm going to ask you a few questions and I just need you to answer them honestly. Could you do that for me?" He asked.

I nodded graciously and he continued, "I've been told by a source- well someone, that you and Mr Lawford were having some troubles in your relationship is that true because this person and a few others think that it is somewhat a clear motive for you to kill or ask someone else to kill Ace?" He asked, formally.

I decided to act a little, I mean I was quite good at it. "Oh my lord. No, I would never do such a thing I loved Ace with my whole heart. We had a very healthy relationship we were both madly in love with each other." I said whilst letting a single droplet of tear slip down my reddened cheek from all that crying I had done since the moment Ace left this pathetic little world.

Feeling eager to ask who thought I had killed Ace, I had decided to act against it. I didn't want Agent Martinez to start getting suspicious. I didn't even have to ask because I had one person in mind that I think could've done something like that anyway.

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