Jealousy of loser?

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Copper POV
Today i came to school rather early.. i didnt see that boy., maybe he still sick from yesterday ..

yesterday at infirmary


"From the way you describing it. Its obviously copper..!"

"Nonsense! " i stand and leave the room and back to class, until the class finish the nam girl didnt comback. And with that.. yesterday school have passed..

Back to today..
i sit on my seat alone.. with the noisy class.. i playing with my i phone..
Take little glance to the inn grup.. still seeing peach act all innonce infront of ohh..
" that foolish ohh.. " ithink while playing Summoners war

I stopped playing when the teacher come in.. and unusually listen to the lecture diligently.. ijust dont want to think too much.

The bell ringing as notice its break time.. i took out my phone again..

I write message

"Guys, wanna hangout?"

"Sorry cop, i just sign into club from yesterday, need to go to the meeting"

"Sorry dude, got lunch with my girl"

"I got called by the teacher, maybe took for minutes! I ll call you when finish"

"Nah, its fine.." i type..
"See you guys around" i add

"Ye sir"
"Ai ai commander"
"Trully sorry dude!"

I read the message and sighed

"What a long face? Wanna eat with us?" Nam asked

" inn and oh already go to canteen, and peach go with her friends from a class"
She add

"We are not that close!! Just hangout with you guys make me shiver" i pretend to shivering

"Haha.. its better than alone right?"


Nam grab my hand and drag me to canteen " come on, its okay.. inn also your friend before right?, dont you want to make up with him, and ohh you can just ignore him.. he is idiot for falling to your girlfriend"


"Ow ai'sun.. you are here? Better already?" My girlfriend yelled while dragging another boy

I drag her and separating their hand
"Nam, what are you planning?, why are you dragging him here hand by hand? You re supposed to be my gir! And dont pretend you didn't know! you already know that sun is at canteen from the group chat! I wispher at her.. while copper and sun standing in awkward situations..

"Its okay.. of course i am your girl, dont be jealous! I just bring copper to the person he loves.. and he is your friend too.. you guys need to make up.!"

"What do you mean? Some one copper loves? Who? Peach?"

"Dont ask too many thing!" She wishpering

"Ee.. why dont we find a place to sit? And copper? Lets order somthing to eat? Nam yelled

Ijust dont understands this girl way of thinking. But she is pretty when she is being blockhead so its okay for me..
" sun lets find a seat for us.. " i speak to sun

2 losers ( copperxsun )Where stories live. Discover now