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Teresa's skin had grown hot and her pain was increasing with each passing second. It was obvious to everyone in the camp that her infected wound was beginning to take effect. Her skin had become a milky white colour and her eyes seemed to be glazing over as more time passed by. She looked like a corpse.

Snow walked over and frowned at the sight of her friend. "Teri, how you doing?"

Teresa weakly opened her eyes and looked at Snow through her blurred vision. She was cold, but hadn't told anyone about this new side effect. "I'm fine."

Snow sighed at the obvious lie and lifted Teresa up from the ground, encircling her arm around her waist and bringing her arm up around her shoulder to help the young girl walk.

"W-Where are we going?" Teresa weakly asked.

"To find some water. We need to clean your wound and get you hydrated. I'd leave you here and go get it but we don't have anything that can carry water," Snow White replied.

Teresa gave her a weak nod, and kept her blurred vision straight ahead as Snow began to lead her through the woods to find a stream, pond or lake. Hopefully they would find one soon, for Teresa's throat was aching at the mention of water.


After searching for Snow White and Teresa for several minutes and coming up with nothing, Prince James headed towards Emma and Hook with a panicked expression on his face that concerned Emma. "Have either one of you seen Snow or Teresa? They went to find some water but they haven't ─ " His eyes widened as he realised something, and he began to frantically search his pockets. "The ring. They took it."

Emma furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, wondering why Teresa would leave their makeshift camp when she said that she would be leaving with her and Hook. "Really?" Emma said. "Do you know where they might be headed? Teresa won't last long without water or medicine." Emma's heart began to hammer in her chest. All she wanted was to bring back the young girl who, besides herself and Henry, was family to them.

"They were seeking passage on a pirate ship. There's only one way to get to the harbor from here. The Troll Bridge." Prince James then began to head in the direction of the Troll Bridge, leaving them behind.

"Oh, no," Emma said, knowing full well, since reading Henry's book, what the Trolls were capable of. They had almost killed her father until Snow saved him with her dust. The bag of dust which Snow has already used to save herself and fool the Evil Queen to think she was dead.

Emma went to follow her father but Hook grabbed her arm. "Swan, wait. The bridge. Isn't that where you want them to be? Isn't that where Snow saved your father from the trolls?"

"Yes, but the only reason she was able to do that was because she had a weapon. The dust."

A look of realisation pulled onto his face. "Which she's already used on herself. Bloody hell."

"And let's not forget how Teresa hadn't been dying last time and was able to help out with her bow ─ " Emma's eyes spotted Teresa bow and quiver and sighed. " ─ which they left here." She rushed over and picked up Teresa's weapon, putting them on her back before turning to look at Hook. "Come on. They're gonna need help."

"Do you even know how to shoot an arrow?" Hook asked, chasing after the blonde savior.

"Nope!" Emma yelled over her shoulder.

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