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TERESA HOLMES HAD NEVER CRIED SO MUCH THAN SHE HAS OVER THE LAST FEW HOURS. All her life she had wished for her mother to come back to her, and when her wish was finally granted, her mother was once again ripped from her.

Only this time, she would never see her again. Ingrid, her beautiful mother with the soft white hair, piercing ice-blue eyes and soft smile, was dead -- ripped forever from Teresa's life, leaving her struck with grief.

After leaving her friends in the road, she had went to the apartment and gathered her bow and arrow, where she then went to the wood, the one place she felt at home. A place she needed to be as she grieved. Though, the people of Storybrooke -- mainly her friends -- felt they needed to find her and help her through her grieving process. So far, no success.

Teresa pulled back the string of her bow and without aiming, released it. The arrow soared through the air until hitting her target: a lone squirrel on the woods floor.

Teresa walked over with a blank expression on her face and picked up the squrriel. She pulled her arrow from its limp body and placed it with her others; she would clean it later.

When Teresa got back to the spot in the woods that she's been hiding at, she started a fire and began cooking up the squrriel for dinner. She had no intent to go back to the apartment any time soon. It has only been a few hours, afterall, nearly almost dark.

It was as she was turning the squirrel meat over that she heard a noise. It was a twig snapping, alerting her someone was walking within in the woods.

She whipped around and found Henry Mills standing with his hands up in surrender. He seemed relieved to have found her, as a smile pulled quickly onto his lips.

"Hi," he greeted, dropping his raised hands.

Teresa didn't reply and instead turned around so she could continue cooking her dinner. Henry watched her in silence for a moment before breaking said silence.

"We've been looking for you. Everyone's worried." Teresa didn't respond, eyes watching the fire dance.

Henry sighed and sat himself down beside her. "Why did you run off like that?"

Teresa whipped her head towards him, a dangerous look in her eye that made Henry tense up. "Did you really just ask me that?"

Henry gulped. The look in her eyes made him incredibly nervous; his hands felt clammy. He rubbed them on his jeans before apologizing, "Sorry."

Arrow 。 Henry Mills [1]Where stories live. Discover now