Backstory pt. 2: Phoenix

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Chapter 4: Backstory pt. 2: Phoenix

A tiny orb of light is shining in a dark realm.

Its dim glow doesn't seem enough to light up the realm.

But then the light shone brighter, the glow expanding slowly up to the point that it reveals itself to be... egg with light waves around it.

A crack appeared on the egg, then it got bigger and bigger. The shell broke open, then a tiny head came out.

It was a little bird. It turned its head left and right and made a loud chirp, as if trying to call someone in the dark. It chirped louder and as much as it could, then waited until its chirps echoed back to it.

The bird grew fast in size, its wings getting bigger and its tail longer, its glow also brightening. It chirped again, this time louder than when it was a tiny hatchling, more like a mother bird's call.

In an apparent rush, it flew off somewhere else.


A young boy in stained clothes sprang awake, finding himself lying on a small bed in a dark room.

It's as if he just came from having a really bad dream; he was panting and sweating like mad. He glanced around frantically, wondering where he is right now.

He tried to get off the bed but then he felt a great surge of pain that made him wince loudly and forced him to sit back down. A pained expression was on his face as he tried to check the part where he felt that pain.

He held himself in the shoulders and sides as if trying to fight the pain. It was on his upper back that felt painful. While he was cringing, he then remembered something.

He glanced around again, this time his thoughts about 'someone' flooding his brain.

"Where is he? What could have happened to him...!?"

Then another thought interfered in his concerns. A scene flashed in his mind that left him an expression of horror and shock.

He heard himself calling out someone's name, and the last things he remembered is a strong blow in the back and that someone screaming his name back and crying for him in utter distress and grief.

His eyes started to well up and he strongly felt like sobbing. He put his arms off himself and buried his face with them and remained sitting on the bed, his tears already pouring out of his eyes and his voice making sobs.

"H-How...could this happen...? I can't be alone here..."



His sobs started to quiet down when a tiny twinkling sound echoed in the dark. He hesitantly looked up to see where that sound came from.

Something swiftly passed in front of him like a shadow, but it was more like a beam of light grazing through the air. He looked left and right, wondering what that thing was.

Without expecting it, he then saw a rain of glowing feathers upon him. He raised his head up; he only saw the feathers falling down on him, beyond them was just darkness.

"You called?"

The boy slowly looked down back to see what's in front of him. The bright figure stood in front of him, who looked like she was holding something in her hands.

He tilted his head in wonder while staring at the figure. The latter in turn smiled sweetly at him, then she held out the thing in her hands to let the boy see.

It was a bird glowing in red light. He couldn't recognize what kind of bird it was, but somehow he felt a lot closer to it.

The bird jumped off the girl's hands and flew close to the boy. Meanwhile, he slowly held out his hand as if trying to catch its feet, while the bird just stayed in front of him and also held out its feet.

As they appeared to have shared a handshake, a blinding light flashed in between them.


He is already in a different place. A different room, to be exact.

The bird was resting by a small swing by the window. The walls were light-colored, the room was a little bigger than the dark room earlier. Simple furniture is found in the room.

It can be assumed that this is now a normal room.

The figure was still standing in front of him while he was still sitting on a bed. This time, she was holding an envelope to him.

The boy took the envelope and casually took out a letter that was put inside and unfolded it. There was a short message written on it.

He already knew what this means.

When he looked back up, the figure was already gone out of trace.

He just stared at the space outside the room, recollections running wild in his mind.

A glow appeared on his left arm, which surprised him. He checked the glow and saw it to be a mark of a flower bud. The glow brightened then the string lights emerged and grew bigger as they waved around like thread blown in the wind.

After a few minutes of fascination, the glow slowly died down along with the string lights, then what was left was another mark glowing dimly on his left arm.

He pulled up his sleeve and saw a pale white circle that seemed to look like a wing, because it had feathers at the top left side of the circle.

He then pulled down his sleeve and stayed put on the bed, still registering on the strangest events that just happened to him. Even though he had understood what it all means, he still felt confused.

He recalled the message in the letter several times to have it all pinned in his head.

"You are to accompany the caged every time and everywhere, no matter what."

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