The trials - part 1

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So this is something that i felt like writing because it is hard to do assignments whilst you are feeling unwell. 

This Is COPYRIGHT! Do not take this story as yours, I came up with all of the ideas. 

I own all the characters of this story and please don't steal my ideas/characters/storyline or story :)




I have entered this into the watty awards 2012.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ and vote! :) thanks x

And I do LOVE this story because I wish I was that good! haha :)


The image is Shawn Johsnon: My ultimate gymnastics idol and I would KILL to meet her. If anyone knows her pLEASE PLEASE, I really want to meet her :)

well here it is :)

>>Megs xx


"Harry! Get back here!" I squealed, running after my twin brother. We were five, a carefree age when you didn't have to worry about anything. We had driven out to a beautiful lake and park, and a small bay of sand surrounded the lake.

"Make me Lea!" He turned around and poked his tongue out before running down to the lake's edge. He stopped before turning to me, an evil grin planted on his face. I stopped in front on him realising my mistake as he started kicking water in my direction.

"No!" I yelled before splashing some water in his direction. We kicked water at each other until we were soaked to the skin, and we were shivering violently in the cold autumn air. "

Lea! Harry!" We heard our mother's voice through the trees we had come through. We stood up and wrapped our arms around each other's shoulders and we dashed back towards the picnic table. 

Our mother held out the towels and we gratefully accepted them, wrapping them around our small bodies. We sat down and started eating with our parents, talking about our amazing adventure to the lake. After we had finished our chocolate pudding, my parents turned to us grinning.

"You know how you guys have been doing gymnastics since you were three?" We nodded, our smiles getting larger.

Our mother and father beamed, "Well you guys have been accepted into the AIS and we will still have our apartment here but we are moving to Canberra in a week!"  Harry and I cheered and gave a little celebration dance. We had put in an application a year ago, knowing that if we did get accepted we would have to move. We didn't mind that we would have to move and maybe not see our friends, we could always come back to Sydney to meet up if we wanted.

**A week later**

"Let's go!" I chanted as we pulled out of our driveway and headed in the direction of the airport. Little did we know that this move would change our lives.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clocked beeped loudly in my left ear and I groaned as I pushed the off button. "Training, yay," I muttered sarcastically before my mother peered into my room. Anyone else at school would be insane to get up at such an ungodly hour. 5:00am on a Saturday.

"Lea, training is in an hour, get ready!" She sounded excited, more than usual. I moaned, why?

I grumbled as I went through the usual routine.

The Flipside of Life (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now