The Opening Ceremony Of Disaster - part 21

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"Lea come on! We need to get home!" Harry  whined and I sighed as I did up my laces.

"Coming," I said before grabbing my gymnastics bag with all my gear and slung it over my shoulder.

rr had just had our last training session and the opening ceremony was tonight. Non of us really wanted to go otherwise we would have been to tired for the competition coming up so soon.

George and the team were walking towards the entrance and I hastily followed behind Harry grinning like a maniac.

"We are competing at the Olympics!" He squealed like a little girl. I chuckled as he did a little dance, shaking his head back and forth to shake what short hair he had.

"Hello Lea," I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear and I jumped into the glass door before a set of arms wrapped around my in apology.

I sunk into Liam's arms, comforted by the hug. I hadn't really talked to him much and I should have, considering he is one of my best friends.

"Hello stranger," I said with a grin as we lined up behind the rest of the team as George marked the roll and the team hopped onto the bus ready to take us back to the hotel and our comfy beds.

I looked over at Alex and gestured for him to save us seats and he winked back with a grin planted on his face.

The Olympics, a boyfriend. This was really happening. Right here right now.

I turned to face Harry and I squealed and jumped up and down and he smiled at me knowingly.

"I know I know," he said before chuckling.

A sudden wind came and blew through the area and I soaked in the cold musty air. George's cap flew off and onto the road. 

"I'll get it," Harry volunteered before he looked both ways and, assured that there weren't any cars, walked over to get it.

I heard the screech of tires as I turned and saw a car turning around the corner at a high speed with red and blue lights wailing not too far behind. But the car was on the wrong side of the road.

Harry stood up with a jolt after picking up the cap but he was frozen like a deer caught in headlights.

I screamed as the car skidded as it tried to stop and Harry came to his senses and ran, but the car starting spinning out of control.

"Harry!" I screamed and began crying in fear as time slowed down.

Everything can happen in a moment. A moment is all it takes to breath, to make a life-changing decision, and to die.

I let out a blood-curdling scream along with Harry's as the car collided with him at a still high speed and he was flung sideways towards the street. 

The car stopped short and the sirens came closer but I ignored Liam's cries as I ran over to Harry, sobbing my heart out.

He was lying in a distorted position with his legs at strange angles and he was just breathing.

"Harry," I cried and sobbed and caressed my brother's face gently as I saw the police and miraculously an ambulance pull up.

"Harry..." I stroked his cheek, screaming and tearing at my hair.

"No!!" I let out a howl and someone wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me away.

I kicked and screamed as the paramedics carefully took my brother and put him on a stretcher, George frantically asking the officers questions that I didn't hear.

Harry. My twin. The one person I had lived with and grown up with. I loved him.

My Brother.

He was the reason I could go through the tough times. He was my uplifting spirit at every single competition I have ever competed in. Without Harry, there was no me.

I protested and screamed as I felt myself being pushed into a car and I fainted in the back seat, my howls echoing around me as someone hugged me tightly, giving me assurance everything would be okay.


"Harry?" I asked as I raced towards the hospital bed holding my fragile brother. I ignored Alex who followed me quickly. Harry is more important than anyone.

Harry sat motionless as he continued to breath in and out and the beeping registered his heart beat. His eyelids flitted open and his lips formed a smile.

"Lea," he said softly and I kissed him on the cheek, wrapping my arms carefully around his uninjured upper body.

He had broken both legs and a severe concussion, and the doctors say he is lucky to be alive. But there is a flipside to the story, no Olympics for Harry.

This is what we had both worked for, since we were 6 years old and had watched the TV.

We wanted to be up with the best and to have a shot and greatness, but now it was all stripped away from him because of a burglar in a high-speed chase on the wrong side of the road. He was arrested, but that hadn't changed anything. Anything...

I began to cry against his chest and he stroked my hair, shushing me.

"It will be okay, shush," he said softly as tears streamed down my cheeks, wetting my brother.

"But what about.... the... Olympics?" I hiccupped as I continued to let the tears flow and Harry sat me up slowly.

"Lea, listen to me. I love you so much and my life wouldn't be the same without a twin like you," he began and I broke into more tears of sadness and happiness and he held my hand.

"You have worked for this as I have, for so long, you can't give up now." I began to protest but he cut me off. I noticed his unmoving legs and I thanked the lord he wasn't paralysed.


I looked back at my brother and his cheeks were wet with tears but he had a smile on his face.

"I'm alive and I am so thankful for everything, everyone has done. It doesn't matter that I can't compete. I got here, we all got here because we all deserve to be here, like you do." Harry pressed on and I smiled at his courage, the tears slowly drying.

"I need you to compete, will be there. But I need you to compete for me. Show me what you can do. It doens't matter what happens. I want you to have fun for yourself and for me. Don't let me drag you down. Compete for me, please?" Harry asked, looking me straight in the eyes. 

The hopsital floated away along with Alex and the others standing nearby.

It was just Harry and I.

I heard the truth behind his words, I heard the honesty and hope behind them. His love for me.

There was always the risk of an injury for our sport, but who would have thought he would have been hit by a car. That's the flipside of life I guess, but you must move with the tides. 

He wanted me to compete soley for him. I smiled. I would make him proud, through injury, failure or success. I would live and do my routines, for Harry.

"Yes Harry, I will."



Awwww I love this :3 :) competition in the next few chapters and hopefully completed by october 31 :D PLEASE PLEASE KEEP VOTING!! <3 Another gymnastics and werewolf story will be written during the holidays (x-mas) what do you think??? :) 

Thanks so much for your constant support :) I love you all so sooo much :)

>>Megs xxoxoxoxoxoooxoxooxoxoxoxo

PASSWORD: Grigoripeps - for dedication put password in comment or get three for voting for every chapter or 11+  for one dedication :D :D  xxxxx

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