Heading Home - Part 16

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hey guys :) I forgot I  to post this chapter so here it is! it will make more sense for the next chapter!

I've entered this into the watty awards 2012 for the fun of it! so get voting and commenting! Share this story with your fans and friends! :)

I will upload like crazy over the next month so I can have it completed as soon as possible!! 

Please vote, comment and read :D

Love you guys and I got 108 votes so far! Keep it up!!! :) I need a lot more though! love you :)

>>Megs xoxo


"Lea," I was startled as sleep was ripped from me and I snapped open my eyes. Harry was crouching in front of me, poking my arm.

"What?" I groaned softly, scowling at him.

"We need to go home in 6 hours. So get up. It's 11 AM," he said as a matter of fact. I cringed. I had never stayed up that late before and had never slept that long.

Now Harry will ask the question. Great.

"Oh, okay, I'm up!" I said, partly cheery, trying to avoid Harry's gaze

"Why were you up so late?" Harry asked cheekily. Damn, annoying brother. He knows me too well. I guess when you are twins you discover these things.

"Err, I was talking with Alex," I said, throwing all my clothes into the small suitcase next to my bed.

The other boys were splayed out across their beds, their mess in every possible direction on the floor.

I scoffed.

"Alright, GET UP!" I yelled at the sleeping boys.

Ryan screamed and jumped up into a ninja position and Liam bolted upright before looking curiously at me.

"Clean up your mess or I will tell George not to let you go to London and you have to make your own way back to Canberra," I ordered and they jumped up, rushing around and began stuffing their bags.

I giggled slightly before grabbing my Australian tracksuit and shirt, bra and undies and making a beeline for the bathroom.


I came back out of the bathroom, wringing my wet hair slightly before putting my pajamas in the bag and zipping it up.

I turned to see the boys with their bags packed and the beds made.


They had even made my bed. Aw how sweet.

“We made your bed too!” Ryan chirped happily.

I rolled my eyes. “Really? I didn’t notice,” I said sarcastically before chuckling softly.

“Ready to go? Liam asked.

“Yep,” I said, stuffing my pajamas into my suitcase and zipping it back up.

They had changed while I had been in the bathroom. I stifled a giggle, thinking about what would have happened if I had have been quicker.

“What?” Harry asked knowingly adding a wink.

“Nothing,” I said, picking up my suitcase and standing it up.

The boys all looked at me with questioning eyes. Goodness.

“Double check now!” I scolded them and they ran around obediently, thoroughly checking the rooms for anything we had missed.

“Harry!” Ryan came out of the bathroom holding a leotard. It was Harry’s of course.

“Yes?” He asked, running over to us.

His face fell and returned looking sheepish.

“Thanks Ryan,” he said before stuffing it into his suitcase and zipping it back up.

“Nothing else?” I asked loudly.

“Nope,” Ryan said.

“Nothing!” Liam chirped.

“None.” Harry concluded.

I double-checked and found nothing else near my bed and in the bathroom. We could now leave.

“Leggo!” I squealed and made a beeline for the door, picking up the two sets of keys and opening the door.

The boys followed quietly behind me and shut the door behind them carefully.

The hallway was empty, except the girls and boys from the team.

We would be flying back to Canberra, and everyone from the other places would be making their way to their respective cities, except people who were in the Olympic team. We would all train in Canberra for a week before they went back for four weeks.

I was hoping Alex and I could go out a few times before he went back to Brisbane, and then I would see him four weeks after that.

But we had made a mutual agreement to tell everyone but Harry about our relationship about 2 weeks before the Olympics so it wouldn’t be awkward for the four weeks he was gone.

Meg came over to me with a very happy looking Rebecca.

“Guess what!?” Becca chirped. I laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“Mitch wants to keep in contact with me!” She squealed and I giggled. Goodness she was crazy.

“That’s great!” I exclaimed, giving her a quick hug.

“But I think we should go catch our plane!” George said loudly as he interrupted our conversation.

There was a chorus of cheers and the official Olympic team followed George to the lift.

“Hello Lea,” I heard a familiar voice whisper behind my ear. I laughed. Alex came around to my left.

“Looking forward to the flight back?” He asked.

“Yes,” I giggled.

“And guess what?” He asked softly as we entered the lift.

“I’m sitting next to you,” his face stretched into a Cheshire grin. I returned his grin with my own.




Hope you liked it! PLease PLEASE comment, share, fan, keep reading and vote!

:) Love you all! thank you so much! <3

>>Megs xoxo

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