*UPDATED* Chapter 2: Searching

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"Where the hell did he go?" Rodion wonders aloud in a gruff tone as he checks his phone for the sixth time.

Zale scratches at his messy hair that had been released from the ponytail it had been in earlier. "Did you talk to Rena? Was he at the beach?"

Rodion replies in a gruff tone. "I spoke with her, but he wasn't there."

Arion groans. "Even though we're not little kids anymore, he never leaves for this long." It had already been eleven hours since they had seen their father this morning. It's well past four with school for Arion and Serena having gotten out two hours ago.

Caspian enters the room with his phone to his ear, but the call goes straight to voice mail.

Rodion glances over at him. "Still nothing?"

Caspian nods with a frown as he shoves his phone into his back pocket and crosses his arms over his chest. "What of Rena?"

Rodion collapses back onto the couch. "She says she's on her way back. Should be here in about fifteen minutes or so."

Caspian nods as he picks up the remote and turns on the TV. It's not like they can do much else anyway. The four had already combed all of their father's usual spots, and they couldn't file a missing person's report since he hadn't been gone long enough for the police to deem his disappearance as relevant. At least here in Andomore the police aren't very motivated to do their jobs and will most definitely tell them to wait 24 hours before contacting them again.

"You don't think he drowned himself, do you?" Arion asks hesitantly after a moment.

Rodion growls as he looks over at him. "Don't be stupid! Of course dad wouldn't do that no matter how much he may miss mom!"

Arion falls silent as Zale speaks up. "Regardless of whether he did or not, he wouldn't just up and abandon us. Especially Rena with her being his little princess and some such shit." Zale shrugs his shoulders as he settles into the arm chair closest to the window overlooking the beach.

"Even an emotion as strong as loss can't be ignored. It doesn't matter how much he loves us. The loss is still there and that would drive him to do something like that given the chance," Arion insists.

Caspian releases a tired sigh as he turns to his brothers. "How about we not jump to conclusions. For all we know, we could've missed him in our search and he's just walking about somewhere with his phone on vibrate again."

Nothing else is said as the four settle into an uncomfortable silence. Just then they hear the front door open. It's not even a moment later before Serena walks through the entryway and into the living room. She glances around at all of her brothers faces, drops her bag to the floor and turns her full attention to Caspian.

"Has there been any word?"

Caspian shakes his head. "We'll wait for now. If he's not back by tomorrow morning then we'll file a missing person's report."

Serena nods with a frown on her lips. She'd rather file the report right this moment, but she reminds herself that she shouldn't jump to conclusions. And she further remembers just how "helpful" Andomore's police is. Living in as peaceful a small coastal city such as this one makes room for a lot of lazy cops who aren't the least bit motivated to do their jobs.

Serena sighs whilst picking her bag back up. "I'm going to go finish my homework. You know where to find me," she mutters as she disappears up the stairs to her bedroom.

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