Chapter 1 - My Family

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(Kadynce's POV)

"Kady!" I heard my dad calling me from the hall.

"I'm in my room!" I called back, unpacking my last book from my moving box and placing it on my shelf as I heard footsteps coming down the hall toward my room.

Turning around I saw my dad stick his raven head through my cracked open door as he looked around at my nearly complete, unpacked room.

His caramel eyes locked with mine as he smiled. I would love to say that I was born with my daddy's eyes, but like my mom, my eyes are a pretty hazel green.

"How about you taking a break and come down for dinner?" He smiled.

On cue, my stomach growled in hunger.

"Yeah, I guess I could use some food." I laughed. "What are we having?"

Dad helped me gather all my empty boxes as we headed out of my room and downstairs.

"Mom made lasagna." He said.

We stopped by the garage first to toss in the boxes, to me it didn't even look like a garage. The size of it is equivalent to a two-bedroom apartment which held my car, an all-white Jeep Wrangler, my mom's two cars, a yellow Porsche, and a black Range Rover. She told me that she used to have an older model in her teens, but had to get rid of it because it was worn out and old.

It was like her first baby.

Right next to my mom's Range Rover is my daddy's navy blue Escalade then his white BMW. He rarely takes out the BMW since it is a little too small for our huge family.

Judging by the cars and huge house you'd believe we were a rich family and that's completely true. My dad happens to be a very famous basketball player he had recently just been drafted by the Rochester Lions. Even though it was a big change and move for all of us from Seattle, we were all just happy to be back home. We've been gone for nearly six years, ever since my youngest sibling has been born, Alexander, or as we call him; Xander.

"So, you excited to start school tomorrow?" Daddy asked me, making small talk as we headed to the dining room with the rest of the family.

I looked down at my feet extremely petrified to start the first day of my sophomore year in high school tomorrow. I don't have luck making new friends considering I only had about two or three over the last few years. It was easier making them as a child but now kids are just cruel.

"Fine, I guess." I shrugged, lying.

He chuckled, seeing right through my fibbing. "It'll all be fine. You might even see some of the kids you used to be friends with back in elementary school."

"I barely remember any of them which probably means they don't remember me either." I spoke softly, looking up at him.

He placed an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side as he looked down at me. "Who can forget a pretty face? Especially, my daughter's pretty face."

He tapped my nose with his index finger.

I blushed, burying my face into his side. "Shut up."

He chuckled as we entered the dining room. Dad kissed my forehead and pulled away from me as we went to seat ourselves.

"It's about time, I'm starving." My older brother, Ricardo said, who we call Ricky for short.

"Yeah, mom said we couldn't eat until everyone was here." Lorenzo, Ricky's twin frowned. They had already been down in Rochester ever since the beginning of the year, for college. But Mom wanted everyone at dinner tonight for our first official night back in our hometown, so they would be back in their dorms afterward.

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