Chapter 20 - I Need You, Ace

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(Pierce's POV)

Leaving me stunned she ran from the room laughing. "Sucker!" She called back which in turn had me laughing too, I headed towards the bathroom.

Damn that girl!

She sends me in swirls and I can't control how fast, its dizzy when I'm with her, but that's all I wanna do, is be with her.

Every second of everyday.

But I can't and all I know is when Mr. Martinez finds out he is going to kill me. Although, lately, all that doesn't seem to matter anymore because everytime I'm with her I have no worries.

After washing my hands, I went for the kitchen to grab my something to drink. Its so fucking hot outside today that I can barely work for 20 minutes straight with out breaking a major sweat.

Stepping into the kitchen, I went straight for the fridge, nearly falling to my death when I tripped over something in the floor.

"What the fuck?" I cursed, catching myself on the counter.

Turning around, my heart dropped from my ass as I saw an unconscious Mrs. Martinez spiralled across the floor. I rushed over to her and got down next to her. She looked extremely pale and drenched with sweat. "Shit. Mrs. Martinez? Mrs. Martinez can you hear me?" I called to her, at the same time pulling out my cellphone.

Kneeling beside her I put my ear to her chest to make sure she was breathing, which she was.

Thank God.

"911 emergency." Someone answered.

"Please, I need an ambulance, fast. " I told her in a panic.

"Okay sir, stay calm, I'm tracing your cellphone." She said not phased in the slightest. "Now, tell me what happen?"

"My bosses wife, she's pregnant and I just found her passed out on the kitchen floor. She's burning up, really pale and sweaty, but she's breathing!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, just calm down the ambulance will be there any minute." She tried telling me.

How can anyone fucking calm down with her telling them to fucking calm down!?

Fuck, I hate 911 operators.

"Okay." I sighed.

Shit, they don't pay me enough for this.

"Now, until the ambulance gets there I want you to do something for me." She said to me. "Can you do that sir?"


"Good. Okay now, what is your name?"

Why the fuck should my name matter? I just need her to get the damn ambulance here already, I'm not a fucking doctor.

"Pierce." I rolled my eyes out of annoyance and impatience.

"Okay Pierce, I want you to see if you can get a response from Mrs. Martinez for me." She said. "Don't shake her, just call her name and see if she responds."

So, I did or I tried and she never responded she never even fucking twitched an eyelid, if it wasn't for her breathing I would think that she was dead.

How long had she been laying here?!

"No, she's not responding." I told the operator.

"Okay, now what I want you to do is get a cool towel and dab her face and neck with it to help bring her temperature down until the ambulance gets there, which they should be there any second now."

BashfulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora