Chapter 38 - I Need Her Back, Alive, and In One Piece

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(Nixon's POV)

I couldn't think of anything to pass the time until I got to see Kadynce again. She was spending needed time with her dad before he had to go back to Texas in the morning.

Zayne and I have been home for nearly two hours, getting back from the cabin. We turned our immediate attention to video games.

"I gotta go get the rest of my stuff, Pierce." Zayne said after we died in the game yet again, sitting his controller down.

I nodded. "Of course, man. What's left?" I asked.

"Just the stuff my mom left me and her pictures. Then there's my motorcycle." He shrugged, getting up from the couch and heading into his room. "Hey, how feisty was Red last night on Mel's ass?" Zayne yelled back from his room.

"I know." I laughed. "That was just too sexy."

"Who knew she had so much fire?" Zayne laughed, coming back into the living room with his shoes on.

Snorting, I slipped on my Nike slippers at the door. "I did, just not anyone, but me. I think she honestly wanted to slug Mel."

Walking out the door we headed downstairs. "That's because Red is threatened by her. Mel is still in love with you and everybody can see it, especially Red."

"Threatened?" I shook my head as I unlocked my truck. We got in. "I doubt it." I chuckled, putting my seatbelt on and starting up my truck.

Zayne barked, buckling up. "Kol, think about it. Mel was your first, she dresses like somebody like you, acts like somebody like, and a bad ass, right?" I nodded, listening as I pulled out of my parking spot and headed out. "Then you have Red, goody two shoes, loves the color pink, listens to every word her Daddy says, and is the complete and polar opposite of someone like you."

"So?" I shrugged, not seeing his point.

Zayne looked at me like I was insane. "So? Red is threatened of losing you, to you. She probably realized what I realized and is afraid that you would rather be with someone who acts and likes the same things you do. Someone who is more like yourself. Like Mel."

"That's a stupid theory." I told him straight up, stopping at a red light.

"If you really think it's stupid don't ask her about it then." Zayne snickered. "Because I grantee you will."

I stayed quiet then because if anybody knew me like I know myself, maybe even better, it's my best friends.

Especially Zayne.

We made it to Zayne's house several minutes after that. He lived a distance away from our school and since I lived by the school it was a distance from our house too.

When we pulled up his stepdad, Bill, sitting on the porch with his beer gut sticking out and a beer in his hand. I already knew he was loaded, not to mention the empty beer bottles surrounding his chair.

He seen me getting out of the truck and his entire demeanor changed. It would be a complete and utter understatement to say that this guy hates my fucking guts. Only because we got into a fight not to long ago. Zayne's mother, Carol, passed away from cancer, five years ago. We all use to be super close; me, Zayne, Carol, and Bill.

I don't like him anymore and he doesn't like me.

Walking passed him and into the house Zayne and I took a look around at the mess. Dirty dishes were everywhere and anywhere. The TV played while no one watched and beer bottles were thrown all over the place.

It's a pig sty in here.

Barking loudly, Zayne's family dog came running out from behind the couch, Shelly. She was cutest little Cocker Spaniel I have ever seen. Her coat midnight black, so dark that it was almost hard to see her in this dimly lit house.

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